我的标题是多行的 - 在多行内我需要对齐两个点 - 如何做?

我的标题是多行的 - 在多行内我需要对齐两个点 - 如何做?


\fancyhead{} \fancyfoot{}
    \footnotesize Quality Management System Manual \ ISO 9001:2015 \         Controllerate of Quality Assurance \ Armoured Vehicle Electronics\Avadi, Chennai – 600 054} 
\fancyhead[R]{\footnotesize Document: Level 01\ Issue No: 01 \ Issue Date: 15 Sep 2019 \ Rev No/ Rev Date: --- \ Page: \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}
\fancyfoot[L]{\footnotesize Prepared in \LaTeX\ Typeset By\ Colonel JS Bibra\ Joint Controller\ Management Representative }
\fancyfoot[R]{\footnotesize Verified \&\ Approved for Issue By\ S Satish Chandra Kumar\ Controller\ CQA(AVL) } %\fancyfoot[L]{\footnotesize Verified By\ %& should have \ %J Peter\ %PScO\ %Deputy Controller % }
\fancyhead[L]{\includegraphics{../../images/"dgqa logo".png} %\caption{DGQA Logo} \label{DGQA Logo} }




  \begin{tabular}{@{} r @{:\ } l @{}}
            Document & Level 01    \\
            Issue No & 01          \\
          Issue Date & 15 Sep 2019 \\
    Rev No/ Rev Date & ---         \\
                Page & X of XX
