如何在使用 tcolorbox 环境时单独获取边距的渐变

如何在使用 tcolorbox 环境时单独获取边距的渐变

我正在用 tcolorbox.sty 创建一个新环境,这些环境样式仅在左侧边缘呈渐变色

如何在 tcolorbox 中获得这种风格

我的 MWE


enhanced,breakable,leftrule=0pt,rightrule=0pt,sharp corners,interior style={left color=black!9, right color=black!0},width=30pc,
left skip=-110pt,right=10pt,left=110pt,before skip=14pt,after skip=14pt,colframe=black!40



 In this chapter the focus is on the basic features of such  transformation processes  themselves, with minimal regard to the notion of solving specific problems. The focus is on understanding procedures for casting and potentially reorganizing  a linear transformation into a form that is convenient for addressing whatever problem is at hand.   In this process, it becomes important not only to treat the linear transformation when it is expressed within a particular basis, but also to recognize  when it is in fact more useful to treat it in a way that is independent of basis.   For this purpose, certain notational distinctions are introduced on page.  Once these concepts are in place,  the  issue of solving specific problems of

  In this chapter the focus is on the basic features of such  transformation processes  themselves, with minimal regard to the notion of solving specific problems. The focus is on understanding procedures for casting and potentially reorganizing  a linear transformation into a form that is convenient for addressing whatever problem is at hand.   In this process, it becomes important not only to treat the linear transformation when it is expressed within a particular basis, but also to recognize  when it is in fact more useful to treat it in a way that is independent of basis.   For this purpose, certain notational distinctions are introduced on page.  Once these concepts are in place,  the  issue of solving specific problems of

   In this chapter the focus is on the basic features of such  transformation processes  themselves, with minimal regard to the notion of solving specific problems. The focus is on understanding procedures for casting and potentially reorganizing  a linear transformation into a form that is convenient for addressing whatever problem is at hand.   In this process, it becomes important not only to treat the linear transformation when it is expressed within a particular basis, but also to recognize  when it is in fact more useful to treat it in a way that is independent of basis.   For this purpose, certain notational distinctions are introduced on page.  Once these concepts are in place,  the  issue of solving specific problems of

    In this chapter the focus is on the basic features of such  transformation processes  themselves, with minimal regard to the notion of solving specific problems. The focus is on understanding procedures for casting and potentially reorganizing  a linear transformation into a form that is convenient for addressing whatever problem is at hand.   In this process, it becomes important not only to treat the linear transformation when it is expressed within a particular basis, but also to recognize  when it is in fact more useful to treat it in a way that is independent of basis.   For this purpose, certain notational distinctions are introduced on page.  Once these concepts are in place,  the  issue of solving specific problems of





欢迎!您可以通过 添加阴影overlay。(我有点担心您的框在右侧超出范围,也许您想减小宽度?)


enhanced,breakable,leftrule=0pt,rightrule=0pt,sharp corners,
interior style={fill=white},width=30pc,%<- remove?
left skip=-110pt,right=10pt,left=110pt,
before skip=14pt,after skip=14pt,
colframe=black!40,%enlarge left=110pt,
overlay={\path[left color=black!9, right color=black!0]
(frame.north west) rectangle ([xshift=110pt]frame.south west);}



 In this chapter the focus is on the basic features of such  transformation processes  themselves, with minimal regard to the notion of solving specific problems. The focus is on understanding procedures for casting and potentially reorganizing  a linear transformation into a form that is convenient for addressing whatever problem is at hand.   In this process, it becomes important not only to treat the linear transformation when it is expressed within a particular basis, but also to recognize  when it is in fact more useful to treat it in a way that is independent of basis.   For this purpose, certain notational distinctions are introduced on page.  Once these concepts are in place,  the  issue of solving specific problems of

  In this chapter the focus is on the basic features of such  transformation processes  themselves, with minimal regard to the notion of solving specific problems. The focus is on understanding procedures for casting and potentially reorganizing  a linear transformation into a form that is convenient for addressing whatever problem is at hand.   In this process, it becomes important not only to treat the linear transformation when it is expressed within a particular basis, but also to recognize  when it is in fact more useful to treat it in a way that is independent of basis.   For this purpose, certain notational distinctions are introduced on page.  Once these concepts are in place,  the  issue of solving specific problems of

   In this chapter the focus is on the basic features of such  transformation processes  themselves, with minimal regard to the notion of solving specific problems. The focus is on understanding procedures for casting and potentially reorganizing  a linear transformation into a form that is convenient for addressing whatever problem is at hand.   In this process, it becomes important not only to treat the linear transformation when it is expressed within a particular basis, but also to recognize  when it is in fact more useful to treat it in a way that is independent of basis.   For this purpose, certain notational distinctions are introduced on page.  Once these concepts are in place,  the  issue of solving specific problems of

    In this chapter the focus is on the basic features of such  transformation processes  themselves, with minimal regard to the notion of solving specific problems. The focus is on understanding procedures for casting and potentially reorganizing  a linear transformation into a form that is convenient for addressing whatever problem is at hand.   In this process, it becomes important not only to treat the linear transformation when it is expressed within a particular basis, but also to recognize  when it is in fact more useful to treat it in a way that is independent of basis.   For this purpose, certain notational distinctions are introduced on page.  Once these concepts are in place,  the  issue of solving specific problems of


