我正在尝试从 .csv 文件生成一个图。
我的.csv 文件包含以下数据,其名称为HeightsAndWeights.csv
\usepackage{tikz} % To generate the plot from csv
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest} % Allows to place the legend below plot
\usepgfplotslibrary{units} % Allows to enter the units nicely
round-mode = places,
round-precision = 2,
width=\linewidth, % scales the plot to the line width of the sheet.
grid=major, % displays a grid
grid style={dashed,gray!30}, % grid style
xlabel=Heights $h$, % set axis labels
ylabel=Weights $w$,
x units=\si{cm},
y units=\si{kg},
legend style={at={(0.5,-0.2)},anchor=north}, % put the legend below the plot
x tick label style={rotate=90,anchor=east}, % display label sideways
\addplot % add the plot from the table
table[x index=1,y index=2,sep=comma]{HeightsAndWeights.csv};
\caption{Plot of the data from the file containing students' heights and weights.}
\usepackage{dirtytalk} % to allow quotations with \say{}
\usepackage{amsmath} % to allow removal of equation numbering.
\usepackage{graphicx} % to allow use of images and pictures.
\usepackage{subcaption} % to allow the use of multiple images.
\usepackage[table]{xcolor} % to allow colored tables.
\usepackage{booktabs} % for \toprule, \midrule, \bottomrule.
\usepackage{siunitx} % for formatting units and values.
\usepackage{pgfplotstable} % for generating tables form .csv files.
\usepackage{tikz} % for generating plots from .csv files.
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest} % for legends below the plot.
\usepgfplotslibrary{units} % for using measuring units.
\sisetup{ % setting up the siunitx package
round-mode=places, % round numbers
round-precision=2 % up to the second digit
更新 2:
Peter, 150, 45
Jason, 134, 39
Stefan, 139, 41
Noa, 132, 38
Liv, 137, 36
Beti 135, 34
正如 daleif 在他的(几条)评论中所述:在删除所有(拼写)错误后,MWE 可以按预期工作......
% used PGFPlots v1.16
Peter, 150, 45
Jason, 134, 39
Stefan, 139, 41
Noa, 132, 38
Liv, 137, 36
Beti 135, 34
grid style={dashed,gray!30},
xlabel=Heights $h$,
ylabel=Weights $w$,
x unit=\si{\centi\metre},
y unit=\si{\kilogram},
legend style={
x tick label style={
table/col sep=comma,
\addplot table [x index=1,y index=2] {HeightsAndWeights.csv};