


我正在用 tikz 编写一个包来绘制 3d 块,并已使其绘制网格块。

\documentclass[tikz, border=4mm]{standalone}
  \node[block={scale=1, x=30mm, y=30mm, z=30mm, grid={(4,3,3)}, back plot}, anchor=back south west] (a) at (0, 0) {};

在此处输入图片描述 现在,当我想制作一个网格块以在网格点处有锚点时,我遇到了一些麻烦。这有点像matrix在 tikz 中所做的,但实际上这些锚点是在形状的定义中声明的。我参考了这个答案。但我的情况稍微复杂一些,我自己也搞错了。我唯一意识到的是,当我尝试\declareshape{...}直接在 而不是 在等 中获取密钥的值时\anchor{...}\saveddimen{...}该值就是它们最初设置的值。这不是我预期的结果。




% #1 parse mode #2 + or -
  \long\expandafter\def\csname grid@parse@#1@temp\endcsname##1##2{
    grid@#1@temp##1\endcsname{ifthenelse(\pgfmathresult #2 1, \pgfmathresult #2 1, 0)}
\pgfkeys{/block plot/.cd,
  x/.store in=\block@xcoordinate, x=0cm,
  y/.store in=\block@ycoordinate, y=0cm,
  z/.store in=\block@zcoordinate, z=0cm,
  scale/.store in=\block@scale, scale=.5,
  pre/.store in=\block@pre, pre=,
  back plot/.is if=back@plot,
  plane/.is if=plane@block,
  zshift/.store in=\block@zshift, zshift=0,
  front/.store in=\block@front, front=,
  align axis/.store in=\block@align@axis, align axis=x,
  hfactor/.store in=\block@hfactor, hfactor=.5,
  vfactor/.store in=\block@vfactor, vfactor=.5,
  align/.store in=\block@align, align=center,
  grid/.store in=\block@grid, grid={(1,1,1)},
%   grid/.initial={(1,1,1)},
%   grid/.default={(1,1,1)},

\pgfdeclareshape{base block}
  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north east}
  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south west}
  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north west}
  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south east}
    \typeout{xtemp \grid@line@tempx}
    \advance \pgf@x by \pgf@xa
    \advance \pgf@y by \pgf@ya
    \advance \pgf@x by -\offset
    \advance \pgf@y by -\offset
    \advance \pgf@x by \pgf@xa
    \advance \pgf@y by \pgf@ya
    \advance \pgf@x by \offset
    \advance \pgf@y by \offset
  \anchor{front south west}{
    \advance \pgf@x by -\offset
    \advance \pgf@y by -\offset
  \anchor{back south west}{
    \advance \pgf@x by \offset
    \advance \pgf@y by \offset
  \anchor{front north east}{
    \advance \pgf@x by -\offset
    \advance \pgf@y by -\offset
  \anchor{back north east}{
    \advance \pgf@x by \offset
    \advance \pgf@y by \offset
  \anchor{front south east}{
    \advance \pgf@xa by -\offset
    \advance \pgf@y by -\offset
  \anchor{back south east}{
    \advance \pgf@xa by \offset
    \advance \pgf@y by \offset
  \anchor{front north west}{
    \advance \pgf@xa by -\offset
    \advance \pgf@y by -\offset
  \anchor{back north west}{
    \advance \pgf@xa by \offset
    \advance \pgf@y by \offset
  % grid anchor
  %output is "expected:3, real:0"
  \typeout{expected:3, real:\grid@line@tempx}
%   \pgfmathsetlengthmacro\grid@xsep{\block@scale/(\grid@line@tempx+1)*\block@xcoordinate}
%   \pgfmathsetlengthmacro\grid@ysep{\block@scale/(\grid@line@tempy+1)*\block@ycoordinate}
%   \expandafter\grid@parse@anchor\block@grid
%   \foreach \grid@i in {1, ...,\grid@anchor@tempx}{
%     \foreach \grid@j in {1, ...,\grid@anchor@tempy}{
%       \edef\make@anchor#1#2{
%         \anchor{xy+\grid@i-\grid@j}{
%           \typeout{xxi: \grid@i}
%           \typeout{xxs: \grid@xsep}
%           \pgf@process{\southwest}
%           \advance \pgf@x by -\offset
%           \advance \pgf@y by -\offset
%           \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@x{\pgf@x+(\grid@i-1)*\grid@xsep}
%           \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@y{\pgf@y+(\grid@i-1)*\grid@ysep}
%         }
%       }
%     }
%   }


      % plane block in y-z plane, x = 0
      % plane block in x-z plane, y = 0
      % plane block in x-y plane, z = 0
      % main path
      % other edge
      \pgfpointadd{\pgfqpoint{##1}{##2}}{\csname block@##3@offset\endcsname{\csname block@##4\endcsname}}
    % x axis
      \foreach \grid@i in {1, ..., \grid@line@tempx}{
        % back plot
    % y axis
      \foreach \grid@i in {1, ..., \grid@line@tempy}{
        % back plot
    % z axis
      \foreach \grid@i in {1, ..., \grid@line@tempz}{
        % back plot

% factor of length to z coordinate

  block/.code={\tikzset{/block plot/.cd, #1}
    % scale
    % shift
    % initial shift
    \block@xshift=0pt \block@yshift=0pt
    % shift in z axis
    % pre
      % define total xoffset and yoffset of previous and current node when
      % applying alignment in different axis.
      % ##1 pre, cur ##2 x, y, z axis ##3 x, y coordinate
        \expandafter\newdimen\csname ##1@offset@##2axis@##3\endcsname
      % although some of them are not needed at all.
      \define@offset{pre}{x}{y}% 0
      \define@offset{pre}{y}{x}% 0
      \define@offset{cur}{x}{y}% 0
      \define@offset{cur}{y}{x}% 0
      % start and end point of offset vector
      \def\xaxis@start{back north west}
      \def\xaxis@end{back north east}
      \def\yaxis@start{back south east}
      \def\yaxis@end{back north east}
      % set total offset by coordinates.
      % set offset of previous node
      % ##1 x, y, z axis ##2 x, y coordinate
        \set@xy{\block@pre.\csname ##1axis@start\endcsname}
        \csname pgf@##2a\endcsname=\csname pgf@##2\endcsname
        \set@xy{\block@pre.\csname ##1axis@end\endcsname}
        \advance \csname pgf@##2\endcsname by -\csname pgf@##2a\endcsname
        \csname pre@offset@##1axis@##2\endcsname=\csname pgf@##2\endcsname
      % set offset of current node
%       \cur@offset@xaxis@x=\scaled@xcoordinate
%       \cur@offset@yaxis@y=\scaled@ycoordinate
%       \cur@offset@zaxis@x=\fc@z\scaled@zcoordinate
%       \cur@offset@zaxis@y=\fc@z\scaled@zcoordinate
      % x,y coordinates of shift vector (with factor 1)
      % ##1 x, y, z axis ##2 x, y coordinate
        \expandafter\newdimen\csname shift@##1axis@##2\endcsname
      \define@shift{x}{y}% 0
      \define@shift{y}{x}% 0
      % ##1 x, y, z axis ##2 x, y coordinate
        \csname shift@##1axis@##2\endcsname=\csname pre@offset@##1axis@##2\endcsname
        \advance \csname shift@##1axis@##2\endcsname by -\csname cur@offset@##1axis@##2\endcsname\relax
%         \expandafter\pgfmathaddtolength\csname shift@##1axis@##2\endcsname{-\expandafter\the\csname cur@offset@##1axis@##2\endcsname}
      % front of shift
      \pgfkeysalso{at=(\[email protected]), anchor=back}
      % align shift
      % align option has higher priority
      % ##1 shift style ##2 hfactor ##3 vfactor
        \expandafter\def\csname block@shift@##1\endcsname{
      \expandafter\ifcsname block@shift@\block@align\endcsname
        \csname block@shift@\block@align\endcsname
      % hshift and vshift in 3 directions
      \pgfmathsetmacro\real@hfactor{\[email protected]}
      \pgfmathsetmacro\real@vfactor{\[email protected]}
      % ##1 x, y, z axis ##2 hvshift 3 4 shift x, y coordinate
        \expandafter\newdimen\csname hshift@##1axis@##2\endcsname
        \csname hshift@##1axis@##2\endcsname=\real@hfactor\csname shift@##3axis@##2\endcsname
        \expandafter\newdimen\csname vshift@##1axis@##2\endcsname
        \csname vshift@##1axis@##2\endcsname=\real@vfactor\csname shift@##4axis@##2\endcsname
      \advance \block@xshift by \csname hshift@\block@align@axis axis@x\endcsname
      \advance \block@xshift by \csname vshift@\block@align@axis axis@x\endcsname
      \advance \block@yshift by \csname hshift@\block@align@axis axis@y\endcsname
      \advance \block@yshift by \csname vshift@\block@align@axis axis@y\endcsname
    % general
      shift={(\block@xshift, \block@yshift)},
      inner sep=0,
      base block, draw, fill opacity=.3, thick,
      minimum height=\scaled@ycoordinate,
      minimum width=\scaled@xcoordinate,

\def\block@label@upperleft@a{front north west}
\def\block@label@upperleft@b{back north west}
\def\block@label@upperright@a{front north east}
\def\block@label@upperright@b{back north east}
\def\block@label@lowerleft@a{front south west}
\def\block@label@lowerleft@b{back south west}
\def\block@label@lowerright@a{front south east}
\def\block@label@lowerright@b{back south east}
\def\block@label@frontwest@a{front south west}
\def\block@label@frontwest@b{front north west}
\def\block@label@fronteast@a{front south east}
\def\block@label@fronteast@b{front north east}
\def\block@label@backwest@a{back south west}
\def\block@label@backwest@b{back north west}
\def\block@label@backeast@a{back south east}
\def\block@label@backeast@b{back north east}
\def\block@label@frontsouth@a{front south west}
\def\block@label@frontsouth@b{front south east}
\def\block@label@frontnorth@a{front north west}
\def\block@label@frontnorth@b{front north east}
\def\block@label@backsouth@a{back south west}
\def\block@label@backsouth@b{back south east}
\def\block@label@backnorth@a{back north west}
\def\block@label@backnorth@b{back north east}
% #1 -- label position
% #2 -- node name
% #3 -- passed string
% #4 -- label text
% #5 -- edge specification
  \path (#2.\csname block@label@#3@a\endcsname) --
        node[#1] {#4}
        (#2.\csname block@label@#3@b\endcsname);
% #1 -- label position, optional
% #2 -- node name
% #3 -- passed string
% #4 -- label text
  \ifcsname block@label@position@#3\endcsname
%     \def\block@label@position{#1}
    % use default position
%     \ifx\block@label@position\pgfutil@empty
    \def\block@label@position{\csname block@label@position@#3\endcsname}
%     \fi
    \block@label{\block@label@position, #1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
