我的 LaTeX 如下所示(我省略了一些内容):
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of contents}
The goal of this notes is to describe \ldots
\chapter*{List of Abbreviations and Symbols}
Below we list some abbreviations and symbols we will use.
\caption{Table of Abbreviations}
\begin{tabular}{c || c}
Abbreviation & Meaning \\ [0.5ex] % inserts table %heading
$\set$ & the category of sets\\
$\grp$ & the category of all (nice) topological spaces\\
$\ab$ & the category of schemes\\ [1ex]
\caption{Table of Symbols}
\begin{tabular}{c || c}
Symbol & Meaning \\
$\cong$ & isomorphism\\ [1ex]
\chapter{Preliminaries on A}
\chapter{Results on Z}
\chapter{More results on Z}