\tikzset{contour/.style={insert path={(0,-2) foreach \X in {0,90,180,270}
{[rotate=\X] -- (0,-2) to [out=0,in=-120] ++ (0.2,0.1) to [out=60,in=-150] ++ (1.7,1.7) to [out=30,in=-90] ++ (0.1,0.2)} -- cycle
\frametitle{Spirograph 1 outline}
\foreach \Y [count=\Z starting from 0] in {red,blue,blue!50} {\draw[rotate=\Z*30,contour,fill opacity=0.5]; }
\foreach \Y in {0,1,2}
\foreach \Z in {0,1,2} {\ifnum\Y=\Z \else \path[clip,rotate=\Z*30,contour]; \fi};
\foreach \Y [count=\Z starting from 0] in {red,blue,blue!50} {\draw[draw=\Y,line width=0.5mm,rotate=\Z*30,contour]; }
\path[line width=.1cm,fill=blue!40!white, looseness=1,pic actions]
(0,-2) foreach \X in {0,90,180,270}
{[rotate=\X] -- (0,-2) to [out=0,in=-120] ++ (0.2,0.1) to [out=60,in=-150] ++ (1.7,1.7) to [out=30,in=-90] ++ (0.1,0.2)} -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[blend group=lighten,fill opacity=.4]
\path foreach \Y in {0,30,60} {pic[rotate=\Y,scale=2] {fcross}};
\path foreach \Y in {0,30,60} {pic[rotate=\Y,scale=2,draw=blue!40] {fcross}};
使用 clip 您可以完成所有这些操作。
\tikzset{contour/.style={insert path={(0,-2) foreach \X in {0,90,180,270}
{[rotate=\X] -- (0,-2) to [out=0,in=-120] ++ (0.2,0.1) to [out=60,in=-150] ++ (1.7,1.7) to [out=30,in=-90] ++ (0.1,0.2)} -- cycle
\frametitle{Spirograph 1 outline}
\foreach \Y [count=\Z starting from 0] in {red,blue,blue!50}
{\draw[draw=\Y,line width=0.5mm,rotate=\Z*30,contour]; }
\foreach \Y [count=\Z starting from 0] in {red,blue,blue!50}
\clip[overlay] [rotate=\Z*30-30] (0:1) foreach \X in {0,90,180,270} {[rotate=\X]
--(0:1) -- (0:3) -- (60:3) -- (60:1)};
\draw[draw=\Y,line width=0.5mm,rotate=\Z*30,contour];
\frametitle{Spirograph 1 outline}
\foreach \Y [count=\Z starting from 0] in {red,blue,blue!50}
\clip[overlay] [rotate=\Z*30-15] (0:1) foreach \X in {0,90,180,270}
--(0:1) -- (0:3) -- (30:3) -- (30:1)};
\draw[draw=\Y,line width=0.5mm,rotate=\Z*30,contour];
\foreach \Y [count=\Z starting from 0] in {red,blue,blue!50}
\clip[overlay] [rotate=\Z*30-15] foreach \X in {0,90,180,270}
(15:1.37) --(0:1.6) -- (0:3) -- (30:3) -- (30:1.6) -- cycle};
\draw[draw=\Y,fill=\Y,fill opacity=0.4,line width=0.5mm,rotate=\Z*30,contour];
\foreach \Y [count=\Z starting from 0] in {red,blue,blue!50}
\clip[overlay] [rotate=\Z*30-30] (0:1) foreach \X in {0,90,180,270} {[rotate=\X]
--(0:1) -- (0:3) -- (60:3) -- (60:1)};
\draw[draw=\Y,line width=0.5mm,rotate=\Z*30,contour];