为什么在 \usepackage{subcaption} 中添加会出现错误?

为什么在 \usepackage{subcaption} 中添加会出现错误?

我无法弄清楚当我\usepackage{subcaption}在 Overleaf 的 main.tex 中添加内容时出现错误的原因是什么。



我的 main.tex 代码:

\documentclass[12pt,oneside]{book}  % Remove draft option to show figures (for final draft), otherwise keep for faster production

% to make the text width larger
% to make the text width larger

% sub figure
% sub figure

% for drawing a table filled with color
\usepackage[svgnames, table]{xcolor}
\usepackage{hhline, boldline}
% for drawing a table filled with color


\usepackage{enumitem} % macros to modify appearance of 'itemize' environments
\usepackage{uorthesis}  % Loads the LaTeX style package

% style=authoryear, 
% citestyle=authoryear, 
uniquelist=false, % for Author1 et al. (year) instead of Author1, Author2 et al. (year)
alldates=comp, %for online citing
dateabbrev=false, %for online citing for data format month in full

\urlstyle{same} % to make URL font style same

\DeclareNameAlias{sortname}{family-given} %for second and third author name

% \usepackage{uorbib}

% for combine both year for an author
% \DeclareDelimFormat{nameyeardelim}{\addcomma\space}
% 12-09-2019

% for a chapter edited by a book
% \renewcommand*{\finalnamedelim}{\addspace\&\space} 
% \renewcommand*{\intitlepunct}{\space} (to become In:)
\renewcommand{\labelnamepunct}{\space} %to delete . after (1997)
% \DeclareFieldFormat[article, incollection, unpublished]{pages}{#1} % to add in PP. (page)
\DeclareFieldFormat[article, incollection, unpublished]{title}{#1}
% \renewcommand{\bibpagespunct}{\ifentrytype{article}{\addcolon}{\addperiod\addspace}} %cancel out this in order to add in PP. (page)

% for title italic
% \DeclareFieldFormat*{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %for title italic in all format (conference, paper..)
\DeclareFieldFormat*{title}{#1} %for conference title delete ".."
\DeclareFieldFormat[incollection]{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %for incollecion title italic ONLY
\DeclareFieldFormat[thesis]{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %for phdthesis title italic ONLY
\DeclareFieldFormat[book]{title}{\mkbibemph{#1}} %for book title italic ONLY
% for title italic

% to delete "In:" for article
% to delete "In:" for article

% to make volume (number), eg. 4(2)



% to make volume (number), eg. 4(2)

% for delete comma after Author A and Aurhor b







% for the purpose to change "paper title" to 'paper title' in reference
% \usepackage[style=english]{csquotes}
% for the purpose to change "paper title" to 'paper title' in reference

% for references 's studies (year)
\newcommand{\mycite}[1]{\citeauthor{#1}'s \citeyear{#1}}


\DeclareCiteCommand{\citeyear} % <======================================

% for Quoting AuthorA (1999: 22), Part 2
% \DeclareCiteCommand{\parencite}[\mkbibparens]
%   {\usebibmacro{cite:init}%
%   \usebibmacro{prenote}}
%   {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
%   \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{cite}}}
%   {\multicitedelim}
%   {\usebibmacro{postnote}}


% for Quoting AuthorA (1999: 22), Part 2

\renewbibmacro{textcite}{% <============================================
% for references 's studies (year)

% for Quoting AuthorA (1999: 22), Part 1

% \DeclareFieldFormat{postnote}{#1}

% delete and replace above because of older version of biblatex
% \DeclareFieldFormat{postnote}{\mknormrange{#1}} 
% \DeclareFieldFormat{multipostnote}{\mknormrange{#1}}
% delete and replace above because of older version of biblatex
% for Quoting AuthorA (1999: 22), Part 1

% %for changing URL to Available at: and title italic
% \usepackage[english]{babel}
% \usepackage[australian]{babel}
\DeclareFieldFormat{url}{Available at\addcolon\space\url{#1}}
   urlseen = {Accessed},
% below is to keep 'english' format as babel
% %for changing URL to Available at: and title italic

% For making book citing 2nd (subscript) and edn.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------


     edition = {edn\adddot},%
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% For making book citing 2nd (subscript) and edn.

\newcommand{\secondarycitedirect}[2]{\secondaryciteauthor{#1} (\secondaryciteyear{#1}, cited in \secondaryciteauthor{#2}, \secondaryciteyear{#2})}
\newcommand{\secondaryciteindirect}[2]{(\secondaryciteauthor{#1}, \secondaryciteyear{#1}, cited in \secondaryciteauthor{#2}, \secondaryciteyear{#2})}

% to add DOI as "Available at:" for @article
\DeclareFieldFormat{doi}{Available at\addcolon\space\url{#1}}
% can try below also
% \DeclareFieldFormat{doi}{\bibstring{urlfrom}\addcolon\space\url{#1}}
% \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{%
%     urlfrom = {Available at}
% }
% to add DOI as "Available at:" for @article

\usepackage{enumitem} %for tab in Latex (macros to modify appearance of 'itemize' environments)
% Put custom packages to be loaded here
% \usepackage{linguex}  % For linguistic examples
% \usepackage{tikz}     % For drawing

%for section paragraph
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/60209/how-to-add-an-extra-level-of-sections-with-headings-below-subsubsection
%%%%% Change the style of paragraph headings %%%%%
\renewcommand\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}%  %for section paragraph
            {-2.5ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.25ex}%   %for section paragraph
            {1.25ex \@plus .25ex}%  %for section paragraph 
            {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}}  %for section paragraph
%%%%% Change the style of subparagraph headings %%%%%
% \renewcommand\subparagraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}%  %for section paragraph
%             {-2.5ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.25ex}%   %for section paragraph
%             {1.25ex \@plus .25ex}%  %for section paragraph 
%             {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}}  %for section paragraph

%for paragraph spacing
\setlength{\parindent}{4em} %for paragraph spacing
\setlength{\parskip}{1em} %for paragraph spacing
%for paragraph spacing

%for table spacing to second row
\usepackage{tabularx,seqsplit, caption} %for table spacing to second row
\usepackage{booktabs, ragged2e}       % Use booktabs rules and get rid of vertical rules, ragged2e to ragged text
\usepackage{makecell,siunitx} %for table spacing to second row
%for table spacing to second row

\usepackage{threeparttable} %to add footnote below table
\renewcommand{\TPTtagStyle}{\itshape} % optional
\usepackage{lipsum} % for filler text

% for bold in table using \small
\usepackage{makecell} % for bold in table using \small
\renewcommand\theadfont{\small\bfseries} % for bold in table using \small
% for bold in table using \small 

% for df1 and df2 math symbol in bold
% for df1 and df2 math symbol in bold


% \usepackage{libertine} %added by ryan


%for table multirow
%\usepackage{multirow} %for table multirow
%\usepackage{multicol} %for table multirow
\usepackage{makecell, multirow, tabularx} %for table multirow
%for table multirow

\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing,calc, positioning,matrix,fit,calc, arrows.meta,
\pgfplotsset{compat=1.15}              % <---

%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
% \usepackage{showframe}
% \renewcommand\ShowFrameLinethickness{0.15pt}
% \renewcommand*\ShowFrameColor{\color{red}}

% % for making a comma after the volume -> cancel off because it create journal title, 4.(1). 
% \renewbibmacro*{volume+number+eid}{%
%   \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
%   \printfield{volume}%
%   \setunit*{\adddot}%
%   \printfield{number}%
%   \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
%   \printfield{eid}}

% \usepackage{parskip}  


% for the studies and hypothesis
% for the studies and hypothesis

% for appendix

%New colors defined below

%Code listing style named "mystyle"
  backgroundcolor=\color{backcolour},   commentstyle=\color{codegreen},

%"mystyle" code listing set
% for appendix

%  \usepackage{geometry}
%  \usepackage{tikz}
%  \usetikzlibrary{matrix,calc,positioning,fit}
%  \makeatletter
%  \newcommand{\WriteAux}[1]{%
%  \immediate\write\@mainaux{\xdef\string#1{#1}\relax}}
%  \makeatother
%  \pgfkeys{initialize dimension/.code={\unless\ifdefined#1
%   \def#1{0pt}
%   \fi}}

% \usetikzlibrary{fit,
%                 matrix}

% To change the default "PhD thesis" to "Ph.D. Thesis in Bibliography?
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{phdthesis = {Ph\adddot D\adddotspace Thesis}}
% To change the default "PhD thesis" to "Ph.D. Thesis in Bibliography?


% Title page

% All subsequent pages must be numbered, title page is considered page i,
% front matter is numbered in lowercase Roman numerals

% Dedication (optional)

% Acknowledgments

% Abstract

% Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures

%List of Tables & Figures

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DISSERTATION CONTENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% Regular numbering starts now, first page of first chapter is page 1

% Body






%   \include{chapters/06-chapter}

%   \include{chapters/07-chapter}

% \include{chapters/08-chapter}

%  \include{chapters/Full-06-chapter}  

% \include{chapters/04-chapter}

% References


\usepackage[subfigure]{tocloft} % subfigure option only if using subfigure package
