

我对参考书目格式有疑问。我使用 Biber 和 Biblatex 来制作参考书目(采用 APA 格式),但我想更改已编辑卷中的书籍章节参考书目条目的格式。

对于所有其他类型的条目(例如书籍、期刊文章等),条目标题都大写,就像在我的 .bib 文件中一样。但是,对于编辑卷中的书籍章节,Biblatex 会自动将第一个单词的首字母大写,而不会将任何其他单词的首字母大写——即使 .bib 文件中其他一些单词的首字母是大写的。

这是一个 MWEB:


        address = {Stanford},
        author = {Adams, Ernest W.},
        file = {:Users/James/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Adams - 1998 - A Primer of Probability Logic.pdf:pdf},
        publisher = {CSLI Publications},
        title = {{A Primer of Probability Logic}},
        year = {1998}

        address = {Cham},
        author = {Cotnoir, Aaron J.},
        booktitle = {Pluralisms in Truth and Logic},
        doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-98346-2_13},
        editor = {Wyatt, Jeremy and Pedersen, Nikolaj J. L. L. and Kellen, Nathan},
        file = {:Users/James/Library/Application Support/Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Cotnoir - 2018 - Logical Nihilism.pdf:pdf},
        pages = {301--329},
        publisher = { Palgrave Macmillan},
        title = {{Logical Nihilism}},
        url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98346-2{\_}13},
        year = {2018}

        author = {Steinberger, Florian},
        doi = {10.5840/jphil201911611},
        file = {:Users/James/Documents/St Andrews/Philosophy/MPhil/MPhil Thesis/Readings/Normativity/Three Ways Logic is Normative Steinberger.pdf:pdf},
        issn = {0022-362X},
        journal = {The Journal of Philosophy},
        month = {mar},
        number = {1},
        pages = {5--31},
        title = {{Three Ways in Which Logic Might Be Normative}},
        url = {http://www.pdcnet.org/oom/service?url{\_}ver=Z39.88-2004{\&}rft{\_}val{\_}fmt={\&}rft.imuse{\_}id=jphil{\_}2019{\_}0116{\_}0001{\_}0005{\_}0031{\&}svc{\_}id=info:www.pdcnet.org/collection},
        volume = {116},
        year = {2019}

\usepackage[style=apa, natbib=true, doi=false, url=false]{biblatex}

\title{Test Document}



\citet{Steinberger2019} is a journal article, \citet{Adams1998} is a book, and \citet{Cotnoir2018} is a book chapter in an edited volume.







这是 APA 格式(如果我理解正确的话是第 6 版和第 7 版)的一部分,将标题转换为句子形式(期刊名称似乎不受此规则的约束)。

您的.bib文件已经title通过将这些字段的完整内容括在花括号中来防止字段出现这种情况。这会阻止句子大小写代码将文本转换为句子大小写。我认为这是一个非常糟糕的主意。相反,您应该只保护那些出于语法原因始终需要免于大小写更改的单词。如果您根本不想要句子大小写,您应该告诉样式停止它。您可以在 BibTeX 中阅读有关大小写更改的更多信息和biblatexBibTeX 在创建 .bbl 文件时丢失大写字母在 Bibtex 文件中将单词大写:{Word} 还是 {W}ord?在参考书目数据库中存储标题时,应使用什么大小写?Biblatex 更改标题的大小写



完整地使用美化过的条目(像和这样的.bib字符通常是 TeX 特有的)_&不是需要在urldoi字段中进行转义,这些字段是专门为处理特殊字符而设计的)


\usepackage[style=apa6, natbib=true, doi=false, url=false]{biblatex}



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      \step[fieldset=number, null]


  address   = {Stanford},
  author    = {Adams, Ernest W.},
  publisher = {CSLI Publications},
  title     = {A Primer of Probability Logic},
  year      = {1998},
  address   = {Cham},
  author    = {Cotnoir, Aaron J.},
  booktitle = {Pluralisms in Truth and Logic},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-98346-2_13},
  editor    = {Wyatt, Jeremy and Pedersen, Nikolaj J. L. L. and Kellen, Nathan},
  pages     = {301--329},
  publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
  title     = {Logical Nihilism},
  year      = {2018},
  author  = {Steinberger, Florian},
  doi     = {10.5840/jphil201911611},
  issn    = {0022-362X},
  journal = {The Journal of Philosophy},
  month   = mar,
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {5--31},
  title   = {Three Ways in Which Logic Might Be Normative},
  url     = {http://www.pdcnet.org/oom/service?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=&rft.imuse_id=jphil_2019_0116_0001_0005_0031&svc_id=info:www.pdcnet.org/collection},
  volume  = {116},
  year    = {2019}

\citet{Steinberger2019} is a journal article,
\citet{Adams1998} is a book,
and \citet{Cotnoir2018} is a book chapter in an edited volume.


Adams, EW (1998)。概率逻辑入门。斯坦福:CSLI 出版社。

Cotnoir, AJ (2018)。逻辑虚无主义。J. Wyatt、NJLL Pedersen 和 N. Kellen (Eds.) 著,真理与逻辑的多元论(第 301-329 页)。

Steinberger, F. (2019)。逻辑可能具有规范性的三种方式。 哲学杂志,116,5-31。

