dvisvgm:DVI 到 SVG 问题

dvisvgm:DVI 到 SVG 问题

我正在尝试在 Manjaro / Arch Linux 上将 DVI 转换为 SVG,但是不起作用。

我使用以下 latex(test.tex)创建一个 dvi 文件(test.div)


  \node (O) at (0,0) {$O$};
  \draw (0,0) circle (\r);
  \draw[->] (-\r,0)--(\r,0);
  \draw[->] (0,-\r)--(0,\r);

使用以下命令行将 test.tex 编译为 dvi:

latex test.tex

从创建的 test.div 文件创建一个 SVG。

dvisvgm test.dvi


pre-processing DVI file (format version 2)

 *** WARNING - you have selected SAFER, indicating you want Ghostscript
               to execute in a safer environment, but at the same time
               have selected DELAYBIND. Unless you use this option with
               care (and specifically, remember to call .bindnow) it is
               possible that malicious code may be able to evade the
               limited security offered by the SAFER option.

 *** WARNING - you have selected SAFER, indicating you want Ghostscript
               to execute in a safer environment, but at the same time
               have selected WRITESYSTEMDICT. Unless you use this option with
               care and specifically, remember to execute code like:
                      "systemdict readonly pop"
           processing page 1
  PostScript error: undefined in get
  Operand stack:
      --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  --nostringval--  1  1  --nostringval--  .setopacityalpha

Ghostscript 已安装。
