如何将子图拆分到多页上(a、b、c 在一页中,d、e 在第二页中?

如何将子图拆分到多页上(a、b、c 在一页中,d、e 在第二页中?


效果很好。但是,当我想在第一页添加一个子图(如 (c))时,效果就不好了。


%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!


        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 1}
        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 2}
    \caption{$Q^{*}$ values for different arms}
        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 3}
    \caption{$Q^{*}$ values for different arms}


        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 4}
        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 5}
    \caption{$Q^{*}$ values for different arms (cont.)}



    \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 3}
\caption{$Q^{*}$ values for different arms}





命令\caption[<optional short text>]{<long caption text>}执行(简化解释)下列操作:

  1. <long caption text>作为标题文本插入到figure(或 table)浮动环境中以及<optional short text>图形或表格列表中
  2. 增加标题编号
  3. 通过第二个动作重置最终的子标题编号






编辑: 上图由以下 MWE 制作:


%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!

        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 1}

        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 2}

        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 3}
    \caption{$Q^{*}$ values for different arms}
        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 4}

        \subcaption{$Q^{*}$ values for arm 5}
    \caption{$Q^{*}$ values for different arms (cont.)}



有时,尤其是在使用子浮点数时,单个图形需要跨页面延续。\ContinuedFloat 命令放置在浮动环境的开头或在浮动环境内更改 @captype 之后,以使下一个图形、表格或其他浮动 \caption 成为相同类型的最后一个浮点 \caption 的延续。它通过在内部保存子浮点数并阻止浮点数前进来实现这一点。


MWE 基本上是:

\caption{Fig. 1}
\caption{Fig. 2}


\subfloat[R1: The first section]{\begin{tabular}[b]{c}
\subfloat[R2: The first section]{\begin{tabular}[b]{c}
}{% \vspace*{1em}
  \caption[Regions of interest as sections and as reconstructions]{First scan of R1, R2
  immunostaining in combination with front views of the 3D models
  coloured for shape diameter and connectivity visualisation. Scale
  bar for all images~$=$ \SI{200}{\micro\meter}. \emph{(Continued on the next page, full caption on page~\pageref{fig:km-4-caption}.)}}%
\setcounter{subfigure}{2} \\

\subfloat[R1: The shape diameter]{\includegraphics[width=0.495\linewidth]{r1_red_frame_br_.png}\label{fig:km-4-b}} &
\subfloat[R2: The shape diameter]{\includegraphics[width=0.495\linewidth]{r2_red-from_blue_y_bg.png}\label{fig:km-4-e}}
\subfloat[R1: The connectivity study]{\includegraphics[width=0.495\linewidth]{r1_overview_frame_y_.png}\label{fig:km-4-c}} &
\subfloat[R2: The connectivity study]{\includegraphics[width=0.495\linewidth]{r2_overview_frame_y-border.png}\label{fig:km-4-f}} \\
%%% need a hack for contcaption
%%% increment the figure counter so it might be decremented again
%% <-------------------- that's the point
  \contcaption{\emph{(Continued from previous page.)} First scan of R3, R4
  immunostaining and front views of the 3D models
  coloured for shape diameter and connectivity visualisation. % Scale
  % bar for all images~$=$ \SI{200}{\micro\meter}.
  \emph{(Full caption on the next page.)}}
\subfloat[R3: The first section]{%
\subfloat[R4: The first section]{%
\subfloat[R3: The shape diameter]{\includegraphics[width=0.495\linewidth]{r3_red_frame_.png}\label{fig:km-4-h}} &
\subfloat[R4: The shape diameter]{\includegraphics[width=0.495\linewidth]{r4_red_frame_.png}\label{fig:km-4-i}}
\subfloat[R3: The connectivity study]{\includegraphics[width=0.495\linewidth]{r3_blue_.png}\label{fig:km-4-k}}
\subfloat[R4: The connectivity study]{\includegraphics[width=0.495\linewidth]{r4_overview_front_.png}\label{fig:km-4-l}}
\contcaption{\emph{(On two previous pages)} First scan of R1 (a), R2 (d), R3 (g) and R4 (j)
 immunostaining in combination with front views of the 3D models
 coloured for shape diameter (b, e, h, k) and connectivity visualisation
 (c, f, i, l). In (b), (e), (h), and (k) a shape diameter below \SI{20}{\micro\meter} is
 depicted in red and above \SI{40}{\micro\meter} in green. A transition from red to
 green occurs in microvessels of shape diameters from \SI{20}{\micro\meter} to \SI{40}{\micro\meter} with middle at \SI{23.5}{\micro\meter}. 
 In (c), (i), and (l) the largest continuous microvessel network is depicted in light blue and all smaller networks are green. In (f)
 there are several large networks, all coloured in blue. Small
 structures sized between \SI{50}{\micro\meter} and \SI{12.5}{\micro\meter} are red in (c), (f), (i), and
 (l), and all structures with a diameter less than \SI{12.5}{\micro\meter} in any
 dimension are omitted. (b, c) R1; (e, f) R2; (h, i) R3; (k, l) R4. Scale
 bar for all images: \SI{200}{\micro\meter}.}


% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/29143/caption-on-the-side-of-a-figure
  % \mbox{}\\[-\baselineskip]
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\usepackage[footnotes]{ragged2e} % for RaggedRight
%% it is used with microtype
%% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/134303/does-combining-microtype-with-ragged-right-make-any-sense
\setlength\RaggedRightRightskip{1pt plus 2em minus 1pt} % default is: 0pt plus 2em




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    1. 缩进很重要(例如:- \hfill 和 \end{figure} 在一行)。
