{colback = red, colframe = white, top = 0mm, bottom = 0mm, boxrule = 0pt, left = 2mm, right = 2mm}
\vbox to0cm
{\hspace{-2cm}\hbox to2cm{\Acht\Acht} \par
\hspace{-2cm}\hbox to2cm{\small{}easy}}
Exercice 2.3\par
This is the text of the exercise.\par
By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
\vbox to0cm
{\hspace{-2cm}\hbox to2cm{\Acht} \par
\hspace{-2cm}\hbox to2cm{\small{}medium}}
Exercice 2.4\par
This is the text of the exercise.\par
By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
{\medskip\large\centering \bf With the symbols and texts in the margin\par}
%% Without the symbols+text in the margin
%Exercice 2.3\par
%This is the text of the exercise.\par
%By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
%Exercice 2.4\par
%This is the text of the exercise.\par
%By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
%{\medskip\large\centering \bf Without the symbols and texts in the margin\par}
{colback = red, colframe = white, top = 0mm, bottom = 0mm, boxrule = 0pt, left = 2mm, right = 2mm}
Exercice 2.3\par
This is the text of the exercise.\par
By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
Exercice 2.4\par
This is the text of the exercise.\par
By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
{\medskip\large\centering \bf With the symbols and texts in the margin\par}
\setlength{\myleftcolwidth}{\widthof{\small medium}}
sidebyside align=top seam,
sharp corners,
lefthand width=\myleftcolwidth,
lower separated=true,
sidebyside gap=3mm,
\hfill\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}r@{}}#1 \\\small #2 \end{tabular}%
\newtcolorbox[auto counter, number within=section]{myFrame}[2][]
{enhanced, attach title to upper=\\, title=Exercice~\thetcbcounter, coltitle=black, colback = purple!60, colframe = white, top = 0mm, bottom = 0mm, boxrule = 0pt, left = 2mm, right = 2mm,
overlay={\node[anchor=north east, align=right] at (frame.north west) {#2};},#1}
\section{one section}
\section{another section}
\begin{myFrame}{\Acht\Acht\\{\small easy}}
This is the text of the exercise.\par
By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
\begin{myFrame}{\Acht\Acht\\{\small medium}}
This is the text of the exercise.\par
By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
{\medskip\large\centering \bf With the symbols and texts in the margin\par}
% Without the symbols+text in the margin
This is the text of the exercise.\par
By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
This is the text of the exercise.\par
By the way, I use tcolorbox to make my boxes.
{\medskip\large\centering \bf Without the symbols and texts in the margin\par}