\newcounter{ALC@tempcntr}% Temporary counter for storage
\setcounter{ALC@tempcntr}{\arabic{ALC@rem}}% Store old counter
\setcounter{ALC@rem}{1}% To avoid printing line number
\item //#1 % Display comment + does not increment list item counter
\setcounter{ALC@rem}{\arabic{ALC@tempcntr}}% Restore old counter
\caption{A sample algorithm.}
\textbf{Input:} Some input.\\
\textbf{Output:} Some output.
\LCOMMENT {1st Step:}
\STATE Do something.
\LCOMMENT {2nd Step:}
\IF {$A \geq B$}
\STATE Do something.
\LCOMMENT {3rd Step:}
\STATE Do something.
产生以下算法。请注意,我使用新的注释命令(即 \LCOMMENT)来使注释以 // 开头,更重要的是,不使用行号来注释。但是,在上述情况下,我希望第 3 条注释具有与算法中的下一行(即第 4 行)相同的缩进,而不是与第 3 行相同的缩进。有没有简单的方法可以做到这一点?
当前缩进。可以通过查看 来访问该级别\@listdepth
,因此我们需要添加 倍的负\@listdepth-1
\newcounter{ALC@tempcntr}% Temporary counter for storage
\setcounter{ALC@tempcntr}{\arabic{ALC@rem}}% Store old counter
\setcounter{ALC@rem}{1}% To avoid printing line number
\item \removemargin // #1 % Display comment + does not increment list item counter
\setcounter{ALC@rem}{\arabic{ALC@tempcntr}}% Restore old counter
\caption{A sample algorithm.}
\textbf{Input:} Some input.\\
\textbf{Output:} Some output.
\LCOMMENT {1st Step:}
\STATE Do something.
\LCOMMENT {2nd Step:}
\IF {$A \geq B$}
\STATE Do something.
\LCOMMENT {3rd Step:}
\IF{x}\STATE a \LCOMMENT {what?}\ELSE \STATE b \ENDIF % to show further indentation
\STATE Do something.