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\noindent {\small Journal of computer science and technology: Instruction for authors.
\title{Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Instruction for Authors}
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\noindent {\small\bf Abstract} \quad {\small \textcolor{black}{In this paper, we present an improved Paillier Cryptosystem for a secured data transmission based on the Residue Number System (RNS). , a high level resistance to key sensitivity attacks, and an acceptable level of resilience. In terms of security, it has been discovered that the proposed system outperforms the present algorithm.}}
\noindent{\small\bf Keywords} \quad {\small Android software, Code cloning, Malware code Detection, Mobile security, Malware detection, Software reuse, Android apps re-usability.}
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The Android Operating System is used on more than 2.8 billion smartphones. Only last year, over 1.05 billion Android phones were shipped.
\caption{Clone Detection}
Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system.
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\fancyhf{}% ����ҳüҳ��
\fancyhead[LO]{\small\sl Shortened Title Within 45 Characters}%
\fancyhead[RE]{\small\sl J. Comput. Sci. \& Technol.}
\noindent {\small Journal of computer science and technology: Instruction for authors.
\title{Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Instruction for Authors}
\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{{}\\[-4mm]\indent\ Regular Paper}
\noindent {\small\bf Abstract} \quad {\small \textcolor{black}{In this paper, we present an improved Paillier Cryptosystem for a secured data transmission based on the Residue Number System (RNS). , a high level resistance to key sensitivity attacks, and an acceptable level of resilience. In terms of security, it has been discovered that the proposed system outperforms the present algorithm.}}
\noindent{\small\bf Keywords} \quad {\small Android software, Code cloning, Malware code Detection, Mobile security, Malware detection, Software reuse, Android apps re-usability.}
\baselineskip=18pt plus.2pt minus.2pt
\parskip=0pt plus.2pt minus0.2pt
The Android Operating System is used on more than 2.8 billion smartphones. Only last year, over 1.05 billion Android phones were shipped.
\caption{Clone Detection}
\Procedure{Clone Detection}{$a,b$}
\State $r\gets a\bmod b$
\State $a\gets b$
\State $b\gets r$
\State $r\gets a\bmod b$
\State \textbf{return} $b$
The improved Paillier Cryptosystem for a secured data transmission
\caption{A table}
A& B\\
C& D
Some text.
\caption{A figure}
Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system.