在标题中使用 \ref 和 \index 制作 4ht

在标题中使用 \ref 和 \index 制作 4ht


\chapter{Chapter Title}


Nominal data are usually used with count and frequencies, such as to find out the total number of left-handed participants in a study. Figure~\hyperref[fig-001]{1.1} illustrates an excerpt from a questionnaire that collected nominal data.



\caption{Excerpt 95\% from a questionnaire used in an actual user study of Section~\ref{sec:1} and Subsection~\ref{subsec:1-1} to collect nominal \index{demographics} data [\protect\hyperlink{ch2-ref48}{Shang et\,\,al. 2020}].\label{fig-001}}

With this approach, the lowest, the middle, and the highest points of the actual scale are anchored to the lowest, the middle, and the highest points of the target scale, respectively, then the intervening scale points are inserted at equal numerical intervals.

The European Union-wide framework known as the General Data Protection Regulation \footnote{{\href{https://ec.europa.eu/commission/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules_en}{https://ec.europa.eu/commission/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules{\_}en}.}} EU approach data privacy.





Figure 1.1问卷应该是Figure <a href='#fig1.1'>1.1</a>问卷。意思是caption cross-links缺失。


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<figcaption class='caption'><span class='id'>Figure 1.1: </span><span class='content'>Excerpt 95% from a questionnaire used in an actual user study of
Section 1.1  and Subsection 1.1.1  to collect nominal  data [<a href='#ch2-ref48'>Shang et al. 2020</a>].</span></figcaption><!-- tex4ht:label?: x1-30011  -->                                                           
