如何纠正有关 \multicolumn 顺序的错误?

如何纠正有关 \multicolumn 顺序的错误?

我有一个 LaTeX 代码,它在我的第一个模板中运行良好,但是当我将它复制到我的新模板时,它不起作用,我真的不知道为什么会出现这个错误:

\noalign 位置错误。您在错误的位置使用了 \hline 命令,可能在表格之外。如果 \hline 命令写在表格内,请尝试在其前面添加 \。

这是我在 Overleaf 中的文件的链接:https://www.overleaf.com/1445775647ghxgtdjxxdwx


% for 2-column layout use \documentclass[USenglish,twocolumn]{article}

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}             %(only for the pdftex engine)
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\usepackage[big,online]{dgruyter}   %values: small,big | online,print,work

% New theorem-like environments will be introduced by using the commands \theoremstyle and \newtheorem.
% Please note that the environments proof and definition are already defined within dgryuter.sty.


    \articletype{Research Article}
    \received{Month DD, YYYY}
    \revised{Month  DD, YYYY}
  \accepted{Month   DD, YYYY}

\title{Insert your title here}
\runningtitle{Short title}
%\subtitle{Insert subtitle if needed}

\author*[1]{First Author}
%\ use * to mark the author as the corresponding author
\author[2]{Second Author}
\author[2]{Third Author} 
\runningauthor{F.~Author et al.}
Institution, Department, City, Country of first author, e-mail: author\[email protected]}
Institution, Department, City, Country of second author and third author, e-mail: author\[email protected], author\[email protected]}

\keywords{Please insert your keywords here, separated by commas.}
       \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{Gaussian } & \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{IMQ}\\ \hline
          Level & Cond($\mathbf{A}$) & Max EV & Min EV & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}} Cholesky\\  Y/N? \end{tabular}}  & Cond($\mathbf{A}$) & Max EV & Min EV &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}} Cholesky\\  Y/N? \end{tabular}} \\ \hline
        1 & 3.55E+00 & -3.3E+00 & -1.2E+01 & Y & 1.76E+00 & -5.4E+00 & -9.6E+00 & Y \\ \hline
        2 & 7.13E+00 & -6.7E+00 & -4.8E+01 & Y & 2.41E+00 & -3.2E+01 & -7.7E+01 & Y \\ \hline
        3 & 1.78E+01 & -1.1E+01 & -1.9E+02 & Y & 3.59E+00 & -1.7E+02 & -6.2E+02 & Y \\ \hline
        4 & 5.09E+01 & -1.5E+01 & -7.7E+02 & Y & 5.26E+00 & -9.5E+02 & -5.0E+03 & Y \\ \hline
        5 & 1.36E+02 & -2.3E+01 & -3.1E+03 & Y & 6.84E+00 & -5.9E+03 & -4.0E+04 & Y \\ \hline
        6 & 2.69E+02 & -4.6E+01 & -1.2E+04 & Y & 7.81E+00 & -4.1E+04 & -3.2E+05 & Y \\ \hline
    \caption{The condition number of the matrix $\mathbf{A}$ and the minimum/maximum eigenvalue of the matrix $\mathbf{A}$ using  Gaussian RBF and IMQ RBF with $C=1$.}
    \label{Tab: Cond_A_C1}







% for 2-column layout use \documentclass[USenglish,twocolumn]{article}

%%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % that's the default
%\RequirePackage[no-math]{fontspec}[2017/03/31]%(only for the luatex or the xetex engine)
\usepackage[big,online]{dgruyter}   %values: small,big | online,print,work

%%%%%\usepackage{multicol} % not needed

% new:


    \articletype{Research Article}
    \received{Month DD, YYYY}
    \revised{Month  DD, YYYY}
  \accepted{Month   DD, YYYY}

\title{Insert your title here}
\runningtitle{Short title}
%\subtitle{Insert subtitle if needed}

\author*[1]{First Author}
%\ use * to mark the author as the corresponding author
\author[2]{Second Author}
\author[2]{Third Author} 
\runningauthor{F.~Author et al.}
Institution, Department, City, Country of first author, e-mail: author\[email protected]}
Institution, Department, City, Country of second author and third author, e-mail: author\[email protected], author\[email protected]}

\keywords{Please insert your keywords here, separated by commas.}
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0pt} % let LaTeX figure out intercol. whitespace

   S[table-format= 1.2e1] *{2}{S[table-format=-1.1e1]} c 
   S[table-format= 1.2e1] *{2}{S[table-format=-1.1e1]} c }
    %\toprule % is automatic
    Level & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Gaussian} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{IMQ} \\ 
    \cmidrule{2-5} \cmidrule{6-9}
    & {Cond($\mathbf{A}$)} & {Max EV} & {Min EV} & Cholesky?  & 
      {Cond($\mathbf{A}$)} & {Max EV} & {Min EV} & Cholesky? 
        1 & 3.55E+00 & -3.3E+00 & -1.2E+01 & Y &   1.76E+00 & -5.4E+00 & -9.6E+00 & Y \\
        2 & 7.13E+00 & -6.7E+00 & -4.8E+01 & Y &   2.41E+00 & -3.2E+01 & -7.7E+01 & Y \\
        3 & 1.78E+01 & -1.1E+01 & -1.9E+02 & Y &   3.59E+00 & -1.7E+02 & -6.2E+02 & Y \\
        4 & 5.09E+01 & -1.5E+01 & -7.7E+02 & Y &   5.26E+00 & -9.5E+02 & -5.0E+03 & Y \\ 
        5 & 1.36E+02 & -2.3E+01 & -3.1E+03 & Y &   6.84E+00 & -5.9E+03 & -4.0E+04 & Y \\ 
        6 & 2.69E+02 & -4.6E+01 & -1.2E+04 & Y &   7.81E+00 & -4.1E+04 & -3.2E+05 & Y \\ 
    %\bottomrule % is automatic
    \caption{The condition number of the matrix $\mathbf{A}$ and the minimum\slash maximum eigenvalue of the matrix $\mathbf{A}$ using  Gaussian RBF and IMQ RBF with $C=1$.}
    \label{Tab: Cond_A_C1}

