我的表格太宽,超出了右侧页面的范围,我尝试使用 tabularx,但遇到了同样的问题。当我使用此命令 \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{} 时,它修复了这个问题,但在使用命令 \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{} 之前它看起来很小
在命令 \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{} 之后
\caption{Differences between the IGA and FEA.
\hline Feature & Finite element analysis & Isogeometric analysis \\
\hline Geometry & Not available & Represented by control points \\
Mesh & Defined by nodal points & Defined by knot spans \\
Mesh & Approximates geometry & Represents exact geometry \\
Solution & Defined by nodal variables & Defined by control variables \\
Basis & Formed by polynomials & Formed by NURBS functions \\
Basis & Interpolates nodal points and variables & Does not interpolate control points and variables \\
Basis & Satisfies Kronecker delta property & Does not satisfy Kronecker delta property \\
Basis support & Over a patch of elements sharing a common node & Over a rectangular array of knot spans size of which depends on continuity of the basis \\
Dirichlet BC & Straightforward & Approximated within NURBS space \\
获得更好的水平规则(参见 MWE)。永远不要用 来固定绝对位置
,除非是在最终稿中。相反,在文本中始终使用交叉引用(例如table \ref{tabLabel} in page \pageref{tabLabel}
此包,相关引用将成为表格和打印页面的链接,因此浮动移动到下一页甚至更多页实际上并不重要。考虑到这一点,请考虑甚至避免使用 [h
和某些其他列类型)的效果。运行texdoc array
以重新分配空间。另请参阅包手册。请注意,与 tabularx 不同,全局宽度为最大宽度,而不是固定的,因此如果您将内容减少到足够少,表格将自动变窄,然后您应该在前面添加\centering
\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text
See the nice table{} \ref{tabLabel} below. \lipsum[1][1-4]
\caption{Differences between the IGA and FEA. \label{tabLabel}}
Feature & Finite element analysis & Isogeometric analysis \\\midrule
Geometry & Not available & Represented by control points \\
Mesh & Defined by nodal points & Defined by knot spans \\
Mesh & Approximates geometry & Represents exact geometry \\
Solution & Defined by nodal variables & Defined by control variables \\
Basis & Formed by polynomials & Formed by NURBS functions \\
Basis & Interpolates nodal points and variables & Does not interpolate control points and variables \\
Basis & Satisfies Kronecker delta property & Does not satisfy Kronecker delta property \\
Basis support & Over a patch of elements sharing a common node & Over a rectangular array of knot spans size of which depends on continuity of the basis \\
Dirichlet BC & Straightforward & Approximated within NURBS space \\\bottomrule
\caption{Differences between the IGA and FEA.
\hline Feature & Finite element analysis & Isogeometric analysis \\
\hline Geometry & Not available & Represented by control points \\
Mesh & Defined by nodal points & Defined by knot spans \\
Mesh & Approximates geometry & Represents exact geometry \\
Solution & Defined by nodal variables & Defined by control variables \\
Basis & Formed by polynomials & Formed by NURBS functions \\
Basis & Interpolates nodal points and variables & Does not interpolate control points and variables \\
Basis & Satisfies Kronecker delta property & Does not satisfy Kronecker delta property \\
Basis support & Over a patch of elements sharing a common node & Over a rectangular array of knot spans size of which depends on continuity of the basis \\
Dirichlet BC & Straightforward & Approximated within NURBS space \\