有没有办法编写创建 IIS 6 网站的脚本?我无法访问 powershell,因此必须使用常规命令或 cscript 脚本。
此方法适用于Windows Server 2003 IIS 6.0:
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject _
("winmgmts:{authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}\\" _
& strComputer & "\root\microsoftiisv2")
Set objWebService = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * From IISWebService")
arrBindings = Array(0)
Set arrBindings(0) = _
arrBindings(0).IP = ""
arrBindings(0).Port = "80"
arrBindings(0).Hostname = "www.example.com"
For Each objItem in objWebService
objItem.CreateNewSite "Test Site", arrBindings, _
以下是与或相关的 Microsoft TechNet 脚本存储库的链接在 Internet Information Server 6.0 上管理网站。
另一个有用的TechNet 文章解释如何以编程方式创建 AppPool。
这是另一种方法,也适用于 Windows Server 2000 (IIS 5.0)。编写一个 .vbs 文件:
IISWebName = "Name of the Web"
IISWebPath = "D:\Websites\MyWeb"
IISWebHeader = "http://www.example.com"
IISIPAddress = ""
Set wsShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wsShell.Run "iisweb.vbs /create """ & IISWebPath & """ """ & IISWebName & """ /b 80 /i """ & IISIPAddress & """" /d """ & IISWebHeader & """"
oShell2.Run "iisvdir.vbs /create """ & IISWebName & """ pfengine ""D:\Common\engine"""
Sub CreateWebsite(name, hostName, physicalPath)
' Make connections to WMI, to the IIS namespace on the local machine. Then grab a reference to the WWW service
Dim locatorObj : set locatorObj = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
Dim providerObj : set providerObj = locatorObj.ConnectServer(".", "root/MicrosoftIISv2")
Dim serviceObj : set serviceObj = providerObj.Get("IIsWebService='W3SVC'")
'Create a new instance as per splattne's answer
Dim Bindings : Bindings = Array(0)
Set Bindings(0) = providerObj.get("ServerBinding").SpawnInstance_()
Bindings(0).IP = ""
Bindings(0).Port = "80"
Bindings(0).Hostname = hostName
' Create the new Web site using the CreateNewSite method of the IIsWebService object.
Dim newSitePath : newSitePath = serviceObj.CreateNewSite(name, Bindings, physicalPath)
' CreateNewSite returns a string reference to the created web service. To alter the settings we need to create a string which references the root virtual directory settings.
Dim settingsPath : settingsPath = Replace(Left(newSitePath, Len(newSitePath) - 1) & "/ROOT'", "IIsWebServer","IIsWebVirtualDirSetting")
' Grab a reference to the settings
Dim settings : set settings = providerObj.get(settingsPath)
' By comparing the settings of an existing, manually set up site, and one created with Splattne's method I realised I needed to change the following
settings.AspEnableParentPaths = True
settings.AccessFlags = 512
settings.AccessRead = True
settings.AuthAnonymous = True
settings.AuthFlags = 5
settings.AuthNTLM = True
settings.AccessScript = True
settings.AppFriendlyName = name
' Set a custom handler for 500 errors. In this case a url called 500.asp. This is a bit hacky but it works.
settings.HttpErrors(41).Properties_("HttpErrorCode") = 500
settings.HttpErrors(41).Properties_("HttpErrorSubcode") = "*"
settings.HttpErrors(41).Properties_("HandlerType") = "URL"
settings.HttpErrors(41).Properties_("HandlerLocation") = "/500.asp"
' Start the service
Dim newSite: set newSite = providerObj.Get(newSitePath)
End Sub
我认为 PowerShell 确实适用于 IIS 7。您确定要 IIS 6 而不是 IIS 7 吗?IIS 7 有 appcmd 命令,虽然使用起来有点困难,但可以工作。