为什么在向远程主机发送 Perl 脚本时 Tramp 会挂起?

为什么在向远程主机发送 Perl 脚本时 Tramp 会挂起?

我知道这与编程没有直接关系,但是我很困惑,而且因为 Emacs 是我的主要编程工具......

我正在尝试设置 Tramp 以连接到我的测试主机。我使用/ssh:host:.bashrc或调用它/scp:host:.bashrc,但这两种方式迟早都会遇到同样的问题。

在进程阻塞之前,他们仅仅尝试第一次发送 perl 脚本,然后我被迫从客户端终止 ssh 会话。


tramp: Opening connection for username@host using scp...
tramp: Waiting 60s for local shell to come up...
tramp: Sending command `ssh host -l username  -e none || exit'
tramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell
tramp: Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell on host host
tramp: Found remote shell prompt on `host'
tramp: Waiting 30s for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
tramp: Setting up remote shell environment
tramp: Determining coding system
tramp: Waiting 30s for `HISTFILE=$HOME/.tramp_history; HISTSIZE=1; export HISTFILE; export HISTSIZE'
tramp: Waiting 30s for `set +o vi +o emacs'
tramp: Waiting 30s for `unset MAIL MAILCHECK MAILPATH'
tramp: Waiting 30s for `unset CDPATH'
tramp: Setting shell prompt
tramp: Remote `/bin/sh' groks tilde expansion, good
tramp: Finding command to check if file exists
tramp: Finding a suitable `ls' command
tramp: Checking remote `/bin/ls' command for `-n' option
tramp: Testing remote command `/bin/ls' for -n...okay
tramp: Using remote command `/bin/ls' for getting directory listings
tramp: Sending the Perl script `tramp_file_attributes'...
tramp-wait-for-output: Process has died


tramp: Opening connection for username@host using ssh...
tramp: Waiting 60s for local shell to come up...
tramp: Sending command `ssh host -l username  -e none || exit'
tramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell
tramp: Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell on host host
tramp: Found remote shell prompt on `host'
tramp: Waiting 30s for remote `/bin/sh' to come up...
tramp: Setting up remote shell environment
tramp: Determining coding system
tramp: Waiting 30s for `HISTFILE=$HOME/.tramp_history; HISTSIZE=1; export HISTFILE; export HISTSIZE'
tramp: Waiting 30s for `set +o vi +o emacs'
tramp: Waiting 30s for `unset MAIL MAILCHECK MAILPATH'
tramp: Waiting 30s for `unset CDPATH'
tramp: Setting shell prompt
tramp: Remote `/bin/sh' groks tilde expansion, good
tramp: Finding command to check if file exists
tramp: Finding a suitable `ls' command
tramp: Checking remote `/bin/ls' command for `-n' option
tramp: Testing remote command `/bin/ls' for -n...okay
tramp: Using remote command `/bin/ls' for getting directory listings
tramp: Sending the Perl `mime-encode' implementations.
tramp-wait-for-output: Process has died

如您所见,最后发生的事情是尝试发送 Perl 脚本。该进程即将终止,因为我正在另一个 shell 中终止它,否则 emacs 永远不会从此恢复。

我从 OSX 10.5.7 进行连接FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p5,如果有任何区别的话,使用2.0.58-preCarbon Emacs 22.3.1 版本中的 Tramp。


也许在接收端(FreeBSD 服务器)对 sshd 的 pid 进行 strace 会显示它在哪里被锁定。您需要使用 -f 跟踪子进程。如果 sshd 的 pid 是 3125:

sudo strace -vfp 3125 -o sshdStraceDump.txt
