防止 Microsoft FTP 服务器 (IIS6/7) 中的暴力攻击

防止 Microsoft FTP 服务器 (IIS6/7) 中的暴力攻击

查看我的 ftp 服务器日志文件,我发现了很多暴力攻击,其中同一个 IP 地址尝试了数百种用户名/密码组合。

我能做些什么来让这些暴力攻击者更难得手吗?比如,如果某个 IP 有 y 次登录尝试失败,它会被锁定 x 时间?

服务器是Microsoft Windows Server 2008。


看到这个来自 IIS 新闻组的帖子获取一些代码来解决问题


' This script created by Chrissy LeMaire ([email protected])
' Website: http://netnerds.net/
' This script instantly bans IP addresses trying to login to FTP
' using the NT account "Administrator"
' Run this script on the FTP server. It sits in the back and waits for an 
' event viewer "push" that lets it know someone failed FTP authentication.
' This script has only been tested on Windows Server 2003. It assumes, as it 
' should, that there are no legitimate Administrator account FTP logins.
' "What it does"
' 1. Sets an Async Event Sink to notify the script when someone fails MS-FTP auth
' 2. When alerted, the script parses the last day's FTP logs for all FTP sites (this
'    is because the Event Viewer doesn't tell you which FTP site, if you have more than
'    one, is the one getting hit)
' 3. Compiles the list of IPs to be banned and then bans them using IIS /and/
'    IP level banning (thanks Spencer @ netortech.com for the idea)

' Push Event Viewer Alert
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{(security)}!root/cimv2")
    Set eventSink = wscript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemSink", "EVSINK_")
    strWQL = "Select * from __InstanceCreationEvent where TargetInstance isa  'Win32_NTLogEvent' and TargetInstance.SourceName = 'MSFTPSVC' and TargetInstance.EventCode = 100"
    objWMIService.ExecNotificationQueryAsync eventSink,strWQL

' Keep it going forever
While (True)

Sub EVSINK_OnObjectReady(objObject, objAsyncContext)
  If InStr(LCase(objObject.TargetInstance.Message),"administrator") > 0 Then 
    Set objFTPSVC = GetObject("IIS://localhost/MSFTPSVC")
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objLog = CreateObject("MSWC.IISLog")
    Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set objFTPIPSec = objFTPSVC.IPSecurity

    'Get IP address of server so we can use it later to give the offending IP a bad route
    Set IPConfigSet = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled=TRUE")
    for each IPConfig in IPConfigSet
      if Not IsNull(IPConfig.DefaultIPGateway) then serverIP =  IPConfig.IPAddress(0)
    Set IPConfigSet = Nothing

    'Iterate through each FTP site. See #2 up above.
      For Each objSITE in objFTPSVC
        If lcase(objSITE.class) = "iisftpserver" Then
          ftpLogFilePath =  WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(objSITE.LogFileDirectory) & "\msftpsvc" & objSITE.Name

          Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(ftpLogFilePath)
            Set objFiles = objFolder.Files
              For Each fileName In objFiles
                lastFile = fileName
            strLogFile = lastFile
            Set file = Nothing
          Set objFolder = Nothing

          'Use the IIS log file parser provided by MSFT
          objLog.OpenLogFile strLogFile, 1, "MSFTPSVC", 1, 0 
            ' 0 = NotApplicable, 1 = ForReading  
            While NOT objLog.AtEndOfLog
              If LCase(objLog.URIStem) = "administrator" Then
                ClientIP = objLog.ClientIP
                  If objDictionary.Exists(ClientIP) = False Then
                      'Kill the route to the machine then add it to the array of banned IPs.
                      Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
                    WshShell.Run "ROUTE ADD " & clientIP & " MASK " & serverIP, 1, True
                    Set WshShell = Nothing
                    objDictionary.Add ClientIP, "" '255 is just there for padding.
                  End If 
              End If
          objLog.CloseLogFiles 1
        End If

      'Append the newly banned IPs to the currently banned IPs  
      If objDictionary.Count > 0 And objFTPIPSec.GrantByDefault = True Then 
        bannedIPArray = objFTPIPSec.IPDeny
          For i = 0 to ubound(bannedIPArray)
          clientIP = Left(bannedIPArray(i),InStr(bannedIPArray(i),",")-1)
            If objDictionary.Exists(ClientIP) = False Then
              objDictionary.Add bannedIPArray(i), ""
            End If 

        objFTPIPSec.IPDeny = objDictionary.Keys
        objFTPSVC.IPSecurity = objFTPIPSec
      End If

    Set objFTPIPSec = Nothing
    Set objDictionary = Nothing
    Set objLog = Nothing
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    Set objFTPSVC = Nothing
  End If
  End Sub


只需阻止该 IP 或子网访问 FTP 服务器即可。该 IP 很可能永远不需要合法访问您的 FTP 服务器。

您可以在 IIS 中或通过防火墙/ACL 执行此操作。


您可以更改 FTP 端口。

  1. 使用 Internet 服务管理器,将 FTP 属性设置为所需端口。
  2. 应用更改并停止服务。
  3. 打开文件服务(位于 \System32\Drivers\Etc 目录中)。
  4. 找到行 ftp 21/tcp,并将其更改为反映新端口。
  5. 保存文件,然后运行位于 \System32 目录中的文件 Services.exe。
  6. 在 Internet 服务管理器中重新启动 FTP 服务。(从此线)。

...或者,你可以安装警察SSH,将其指向高端口并使用 SFTP。

如果你确实需要 21 端口上的 FTP,请查看档案. 它具有内置的防锤击功能。
