永久添加路由至 Solaris 10

永久添加路由至 Solaris 10

我需要向 Solaris 10 框添加几个静态路由。在 Solaris 9 上,我总是通过添加 init 脚本来重新应用路由,使这些路由在重新启动后仍然有效。在 Solaris 10 中,向 SMF 添加服务似乎有些过头了。如何添加在重新启动后仍然有效的路由的最佳实践是什么?


route命令-p在 OpenSolaris 中有该选项,我相信 Solaris 10 中也有。来自man route

 -p             Make changes to the network route tables per-
                sistent across system restarts. The operation
                is applied  to  the  network  routing  tables
                first  and, if successful, is then applied to
                the list  of  saved  routes  used  at  system
                startup.  In determining whether an operation
                was successful, a failure to add a route that
                already  exists  or to delete a route that is
                not in the routing table is ignored. Particu-
                lar  care  should be taken when using host or
                network  names  in  persistent   routes,   as
                network-based  name  resolution  services are
                not available at the time routes are added at

