Windows 2003 SP1 服务器不会升级到 SP2

Windows 2003 SP1 服务器不会升级到 SP2

将服务器升级到 SP2 时遇到问题。

系统版本:Win 2003 Ent SP1 x86

角色:McAfee ePO 服务器、DHCP、二级 DC

安装 SP2 时,它会锁定(在备份注册表阶段),任务管理器中的 CPU 使用率为 0。然后我必须强制关闭该进程,然后重新启动计算机。在日志文件最后一项内容如下:

472.406: GetCatVersion:  Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x57
472.406: GetCatVersion:  Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\ with error 0x80092004
473.531: GetCatVersion:  Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x57
473.562: GetCatVersion:  Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\ with error 0x80092004
480.609: GetCatVersion:  Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x57
480.609: GetCatVersion:  Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\ with error 0x80092004
480.906: GetCatVersion:  Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\ with error 0x57
480.937: GetCatVersion:  Failed to retrieve version information from C:\WINDOWS\ with error 0x80092004


37.797: UnRegisterSpuninstForRecovery, failed to delete SpRecoverCmdLine value, error 0x2
37.797:  DoInstallation: Failed to unregistering spuninst.exe for recovery.
37.797: An internal error occurred.
155.813: Message displayed to the user: An internal error occurred.
155.813: User Input: OK
155.813: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
156.438: Message displayed to the user: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
156.438: User Input: OK
156.438: Update.exe extended error code = 0x1ffe054f

扩展错误代码(Update.exe 扩展错误代码 = 0x1ffe054f) 似乎是对这个问题更准确的描述。



#-147 Loading class installer module for "Generic volume".
#W360 An unsigned, incorrectly signed, or Authenticode(tm) signed file "C:\WINDOWS\system32\syssetup.dll" for driver "Generic volume" will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 87: The parameter is incorrect.
#-148 Loading coinstaller modules for "Generic volume".
#W360 An unsigned, incorrectly signed, or Authenticode(tm) signed file "C:\WINDOWS\system32\SysSetup.Dll" for driver "Generic volume" will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 87: The parameter is incorrect.
[2009/08/19 16:34:58 4976.937 Driver Install]

我已经发布了整个日志文件保存在 pastebin 上。


  • regsvr32 licdll.dll
  • 重命名 Catroot 和软件分发文件夹(然后重新启动)。
  • 删除了 McAfee VSE 客户端软件(不是 ePO)



你能从头开始重建并重新安装 EPO 吗?这可能是更简单的选择。


有一篇关于此问题的知识库文章,其中有 2 个解决方案和一个修补程序。其中一个解决方案是 regsvr32 licdll.dll。查看其他解决方案是否能解决您的问题。

安装 Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 时失败:“发生内部错误”
