syslogd 配置问题

syslogd 配置问题

我在 Solaris 10 上使用 syslog 时遇到了一些问题。看来配置不正确,日志消息只是堆积起来,而从未写入 /var/adm/messages。

/var/adm/messages 中的内容如下:

Sep 10 03:10:17 air syslogd: Could not completely output pending messages while preparing re-configuration
Sep 10 03:10:17 air syslogd: discarded 1082 messages and restart configuration.
Sep 12 03:10:17 air syslogd: Could not completely output pending messages while preparing re-configuration
Sep 12 03:10:17 air syslogd: discarded 436 messages and restart configuration. 


$ logger -p daemon.notice "TESTING LOGGING"

并在 /var/adm/messages 中获得输出:

Sep 14 11:52:43 air gkwrcc: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] TESTING LOGGING


这是我的 /etc/syslog.conf:

#ident  "@(#)syslog.conf        1.5     98/12/14 SMI"   /* SunOS 5.0 */
# Copyright (c) 1991-1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# syslog configuration file.
# This file is processed by m4 so be careful to quote (`') names
# that match m4 reserved words.  Also, within ifdef's, arguments
# containing commas must be quoted.
*.err;kern.notice;auth.notice                   /dev/sysmsg
*.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;mail.crit        /var/adm/messages       /var/adm/auth.log

*.alert;kern.err;daemon.err                     operator
*.alert                                         root           

*.emerg                                         *

# if a non-loghost machine chooses to have authentication messages
# sent to the loghost machine, un-comment out the following line:
#auth.notice                    ifdef(`LOGHOST', /var/log/authlog, @loghost)

mail.debug                      ifdef(`LOGHOST', /var/log/syslog, @loghost)

# non-loghost machines will use the following lines to cause "user"
# log messages to be logged locally.         
ifdef(`LOGHOST', ,
user.err                                        /dev/sysmsg
user.err                                        /var/adm/messages
user.alert                                      `root, operator'
user.emerg                                      *


