NFS - 客户端上的文件未出现在服务器上

NFS - 客户端上的文件未出现在服务器上

这是我的设置:一台 NFS 服务器机器,两台 NFS 客户端机器。

客户端机器将文件写入 NFS 挂载,但有时,这些文件不会出现在 NFS 服务器机器或其他客户端机器上.....




NFS 默认会在系统内核级别对目录和文件内容进行一定程度的缓存。如果计算机一更新了某个文件,而计算机二的缓存中仍有该文件的副本,那么如果计算机二尝试访问该文件,则可能在缓存过期之前无法看到该文件的较新版本。

检查 nfs 的手册页以了解以下参数:

   acregmin=n     The minimum time in seconds that attributes of a  regu-
                  lar  file  should  be  cached  before  requesting fresh
                  information from a server.  The default is 3 seconds.

   acregmax=n     The maximum time in seconds that attributes of a  regu-
                  lar file can be cached before requesting fresh informa-
                  tion from a server.  The default is 60 seconds.

   acdirmin=n     The minimum time in seconds that attributes of a direc-
                  tory  should be cached before requesting fresh informa-
                  tion from a server.  The default is 30 seconds.

   acdirmax=n     The maximum time in seconds that attributes of a direc-
                  tory  can be cached before requesting fresh information
                  from a server.  The default is 60 seconds.

   actimeo=n      Using actimeo sets all of acregmin, acregmax, acdirmin,
                  and  acdirmax  to  the same value.  There is no default

   noac           Disable all forms of attribute caching entirely.   This
                  extracts  a  significant  performance  penalty  but  it
                  allows two different  NFS  clients  to  get  reasonable
                  results  when  both  clients  are actively writing to a
                  common export on the server.
