如何在 Ubuntu Hardy 上安装 memcache?

如何在 Ubuntu Hardy 上安装 memcache?

如何在 ubuntu hardy 上安装和配置 memcache?



Description: A high-performance memory object caching system
 Danga Interactive developed memcached to enhance the speed of LiveJournal.com,
 a site which was already doing 20 million+ dynamic page views per day for 1
 million users with a bunch of webservers and a bunch of database servers.
 memcached dropped the database load to almost nothing, yielding faster page
 load times for users, better resource utilization, and faster access to the
 databases on a memcache miss.
 memcached optimizes specific high-load serving applications that are designed
 to take advantage of its versatile no-locking memory access system. Clients
 are available in several different programming languages, to suit the needs
 of the specific application. Traditionally this has been used in mod_perl
 apps to avoid storing large chunks of data in Apache memory, and to share
 this burden across several machines.


只需确保 Universe 已启用并运行apt-get install memcached


以下/usr/share/doc/是您应该阅读的有关 Debian 打包部署的 memcached 的几篇文档。特别是 README.Debian:

Memcached 在此软件包中有两个逻辑用途:一个可以从标准 /etc/init.d/ 接口运行的系统守护程序,或一个可以从命令行(例如 /usr/bin/memcached -d)从用户空间运行的守护程序

前者已设置为通过 start-memcached 脚本运行,从 /etc/memcached.conf 读取配置。start-memcached 脚本会忽略配置文件本身中讨论的某些参数。

后者是 Danga 提供的二进制文件,从命令行读取选项,完全忽略 Debian 特定的配置文件。

  --Jay Bonci
  [email protected]

阅读 postinst 脚本,它应该默认运行:update-rc.d memcached defaults >/dev/null
