为什么安装 fglrx 驱动程序和 amd app sdk 后 OpenCL 无法与 gcc 链接?

为什么安装 fglrx 驱动程序和 amd app sdk 后 OpenCL 无法与 gcc 链接?

我已按照本教程在我的计算机上安装了 fglrx 驱动程序:http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Fedora_18_Installation_Guide,安装了 opencl-headers 包,最后安装了 amd app sdk 当我运行时

gcc -lOpenCL someprogram.c


/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lOpenCL
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

我从 fglrxinfo 得到以下信息

display: :0  screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics
OpenGL version string: 4.2.12422 Compatibility Profile Context 13.152



gcc -I/opt/AMDAPP/include -L/opt/AMDAPP/lib/x86_64 -lOpenCL hellocl.c -o hello



   -l namespec
       Add the archive or object file specified by namespec to the list of
       files to link.  This option may be used any number of times.  If
       namespec is of the form :filename, ld will search the library path
       for a file called filename, otherwise it will search the library path 
       for a file called libnamespec.a.

       On systems which support shared libraries, ld may also search for 
       files other than libnamespec.a. Specifically, on ELF and SunOS
       systems, ld will search a directory for a library called 
       libnamespec.so before searching for one called libnamespec.a.  
       (By convention, a ".so" extension indicates a shared library.)  
       Note that this behavior does not apply to :filename, which always
       specifies a file called


ln -s /usr/lib64/libopencl.so /usr/lib64/libOpenCL.so
