如何阻止 XEmacs 告诉我我的键盘设置“不好”?

如何阻止 XEmacs 告诉我我的键盘设置“不好”?

我(使用 Linux Mint 13 中的键盘布局选项)更改了键盘布局,如下所示:

  • Caps Lock 键被重新配置为 Compose 键。
  • 同时按下两个 Shift 键可切换大写锁定。

由于这两个选项都是由菜单提供的(不xmodmap涉及或类似),我认为它们应该工作正常,事实上,我从未注意到任何问题(包括 XEmacs 内部),但有一个例外:

每当我启动 XEmacs(版本 21.4.22)时,我都会得到一个额外的窗口(Emacs 中的“窗口”意义),其中包含以下文本:

(1) (key-mapping/warning) 
    The meanings of the modifier bits Mod1 through Mod5 are determined
    by the keysyms used to control those bits.  Mod1 does NOT always
    mean Meta, although some non-ICCCM-compliant programs assume that.

(2) (key-mapping/warning) 
    The semantics of the modifier bits ModShift, ModLock, and ModControl
    are predefined.  It does not make sense to assign ModControl to any
    keysym other than Control_L or Control_R, or to assign any modifier
    bits to the "control" keysyms other than ModControl.  You can't
    turn a "control" key into a "meta" key (or vice versa) by simply
    assigning the key a different modifier bit.  You must also make that
    key generate an appropriate keysym (Control_L, Meta_L, etc).

(3) (key-mapping/warning) XEmacs:  Shift_L (0x32) generates ModLock, which is nonsensical.

有没有办法告诉 XEmacs 停止教我我的键盘设置“不好”?
