问题:Munin Graph

问题:Munin Graph

我已经尝试安装 Munin 15 天了,我查找了信息,分析了日志,甚至使用 YUM 删除并重新安装了 Munin。我在 Media Temple 的 VPS 上托管了 CentOS。问题仍然存在,这让我很抓狂。



这是我的 munin.conf 文件的配置

dbdir   /var/lib/munin
htmldir /var/www/munin
logdir  /var/log/munin
rundir  /var/run/munin

    address **.**.***.*** #IP VPS

这是我的 munin-node.conf 文件的配置

log_level 4
log_file /var/log/munin/munin-node.log
port 4949
pid_file /var/run/munin/munin-node.pid
background 1
setseid 1

# Which port to bind to;
host *
user root
group root
setsid yes

# Regexps for files to ignore

ignore_file ~$
ignore_file \.bak$
ignore_file %$
ignore_file \.dpkg-(tmp|new|old|dist)$
ignore_file \.rpm(save|new)$

allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$


更新 munin-graph.log

Jun 22 16:30:02 - Starting munin-graph
Jun 22 16:30:02 - Processing domain: localhost
Jun 22 16:30:02 - Graphed service : open_inodes (0.14 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:02 - Graphed service : sendmail_mailtraffic (0.10 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:02 - Graphed service : apache_processes (0.12 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:02 - Graphed service : entropy (0.10 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:02 - Graphed service : sendmail_mailstats (0.14 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:02 - Graphed service : processes (0.14 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:03 - Graphed service : apache_accesses (0.27 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:03 - Graphed service : apache_volume (0.15 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:03 - Graphed service : df (0.21 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:03 - Graphed service : netstat (0.19 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:03 - Graphed service : interrupts (0.14 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:03 - Graphed service : swap (0.14 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:04 - Graphed service : load (0.11 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:04 - Graphed service : sendmail_mailqueue (0.13 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:04 - Graphed service : cpu (0.21 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:04 - Graphed service : df_inode (0.16 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:04 - Graphed service : open_files (0.16 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:04 - Graphed service : forks (0.13 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:05 - Graphed service : memory (0.26 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:05 - Graphed service : nfs_client (0.36 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:05 - Graphed service : vmstat (0.10 sec * 4)
Jun 22 16:30:05 - Processed node: localhost (3.45 sec)
Jun 22 16:30:05 - Processed domain: localhost (3.45 sec)
Jun 22 16:30:05 - Munin-graph finished (3.46 sec)


我相信这个问题是因为你缺少 munin 用于绘制 rrd 数据的字体。

/var/log/munin/munin-graph.log 中是否有任何错误?
