Exceeding the DB size limit on SQL Server Express in READ_ONLY

Exceeding the DB size limit on SQL Server Express in READ_ONLY

Possible Duplicate:
Can you help me with my software licensing question?

If my database is larger than 10GB and I'm using it in READ_ONLY mode, will I be violating the licensing agreement somehow?

It appears that SQL Server Express edition only gets fussy if you try to insert data into a DB larger than the limit, but reading is fine it appears.

In my case, the READ_ONLY DB will be smaller than the limit, but I'm curious to know if this is a 'legal' use of the software (i.e. scaling out reads across lots of static, large DBs served by Express edition)


If it's really a read only database and assuming no single table is larger than 10GB, you could break off a few tables to a separate DB and then set up views from one db into the other.
