Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 RC 到期

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 RC 到期

I have a licenced version of Windows Server 2008 R2.

I installed some time ago the SP1 RC of Windows Server 2008 R2. No problem until yesterday.

Now, every 2 hours, my computer show me this blue screen and have no choice other than rebooting : Blue screen

14 days ago, I knew I had to unninstall the RC of the SP1. Unfortunately, long before this, I deleted the backup files of the SP1 (forgot it was a RC).

So :

  • I can't delete the SP1 RC
  • I can't install SP1 RTM (it shows me message I have to unninstall RC version...)

Am I stuck in a dead end ?

Is there any solution other than reinstalling Windows ?

[编辑]:也许如果有人知道我可以在哪里下载 SP1 RC,我就可以从我的电脑中删除它......


微软不支持将 RC 升级到 RTM。因此,您唯一支持的方法是重新安装。

话虽如此,如果您想进行不受支持的升级,您应该能够从 RTM 安装光盘启动并选择升级选项。结果可能会有所不同。首先备份您的数据。如果它不起作用,不要责怪任何人,除了你自己。不要指望事后系统稳定。基本上,您可能应该重新安装。
