Radius feedback from AP to WiFi client

Radius feedback from AP to WiFi client

我们公司有以下设置:一台装有 CentOS (gw) 的网关 PC,运行 Radius 和一些流量过滤程序。我们所有的员工都通过无线方式连接,并且我们已部署 WPA2 Enterprise 加密。用户位于 gw 上的 MySQL 数据库中,并且在那里定义了他们的用户角色 - 决定哪个用户可以访问哪个 SSID。我们有 4 个 SSID(因此有 4 个 VLAN),因此目前有 4 个用户组 - 每个用户组都有自己的 QoS、带宽限制等规则。

网络运行良好,除了一个问题 - 当用户错误验证时,他得不到任何反馈。WiFi 客户端(每个人都在使用 iMac 和 Macbook,IT 部门只有几台 Windows/Linux 机器)陷入了某种困境,他说他已连接,但没有有效的 IP,因此无法访问互联网。由于 MacOS 默认记住密码,他得出结论,他已成功连接,并且再也不会要求输入密码。这意味着任何进行无效登录的人都会被困在这种状态,直到他们从档案中删除记住的密码。你可以想象,对于一家拥有 80 多名员工的快速增长的公司来说,这是非常繁琐的。

我们的 AP 是 WRT54GL,安装了 DD-WRT 作为固件。

似乎 AP 上的 radius 客户端没有向员工计算机上的 WiFi 客户端发送任何正确的反馈。有人有这种设置的经验吗?如何解决这个无反馈问题?更好的 AP 会是答案吗?我一直在研究思科的 WAP2000。成本不是问题。

这是我们的 eap.conf 文件中 mschapv2 上方的注释:

                #  This takes no configuration.
                #  Note that it is the EAP MS-CHAPv2 sub-module, not
                #  the main 'mschap' module.
                #  Note also that in order for this sub-module to work,
                #  the main 'mschap' module MUST ALSO be configured.
                #  This module is the *Microsoft* implementation of MS-CHAPv2
                #  in EAP.  There is another (incompatible) implementation
                #  of MS-CHAPv2 in EAP by Cisco, which FreeRADIUS does not
                #  currently support.


  1. 获取支持“监控”或“rfmon”模式的无线网卡,并将其与 Wireshark 结合使用,以查看网络流量中的 802.11 标头。这在很大程度上取决于芯片组、操作系统和驱动程序,但 Wireshark 有一些不错的文档为您指明正确的方向。您正在寻找的是实际的 802.11 管理标头,而不仅仅是“翻译的”以太网第 2 层信息(再次参见 Wireshark 文档)。听起来您的网络主要通过 802.11,因此花在弄清楚这一点上的时间以后可能是值得的 - 您需要查看实际的 802.11 标头最终以进行故障排除。

  2. 确认这实际上是您的接入点的问题(很可能是)。使用“802.11”作为链路层类型启动 Wireshark,然后针对接入点进行身份验证并故意输入错误的密码。看看会发生什么。您可能还需要查看 Radius 服务器和接入点之间发生了什么。如果您在解释结果数据时遇到问题,您可以随时将其保存为 pcap 并在此处提供。您可能只是想在花费大量资金购买接入点之前确认这是 radius 客户端的问题。

  3. 一旦你确认这是接入点的问题,就去购买一些不错的“企业级”接入点。我们使用 D-Link DWL3200,就接入点而言,这是一个相当中庸的接入点。我唯一真正的抱怨是他们的命令行界面糟透了但另一方面,它们每个只需 300 美元左右,所以我不能期望太多。



You didn't mention which authentication protocol you are using. "WPA2 Enterprise" is an umbrella term. Are you using EAP-TLS? Or PEAP-MSCHAPv2? Do you have client certificates in place or just the CA certificate + username/password? Depending on the actual protocol, the authentication error happens at a different protocol stack level.

If you are using PEAP-MSCHAPv2 (most likely given your hint at passwords), make sure the Radius server is configured to send the MS-CHAP-Error message back to the client. I think it's disabled by default in some versions of freeradius. Look for this in eap.conf:

           mschapv2 {
                    #  Prior to version 2.1.11, the module never
                    #  sent the MS-CHAP-Error message to the
                    #  client.  This worked, but it had issues
                    #  when the cached password was wrong.  The
                    #  server *should* send "E=691 R=0" to the
                    #  client, which tells it to prompt the user
                    #  for a new password.
                    #  The default is to behave as in 2.1.10 and
                    #  earlier, which is known to work.  If you
                    #  set "send_error = yes", then the error
                    #  message will be sent back to the client.
                    #  This *may* help some clients work better,
                    #  but *may* also cause other clients to stop
                    #  working.
                    #send_error = no

and change it to yes.


If you are sure about that cost is not an issue then get a real Cisco access point (like cisco aironet) avoid linksys if you can.


Linksys is ok for home and small offices. It is not recommended for anything bigger however.

You can even get a WLC (wireless lan controller). It's a bigger investment, but it worth it. You can manage your aps from a central place and the wireless clients can also benefit as it manages your channel settings, antenna power levels and client roaming.

Update (reply to comment): I use wrt54gl at home it works great in general, but if I download with high speed the wireless part can die (which is fixable with a reboot). The switch fuction is implemented in CPU. If you copy a large file from one machine to another cpu usage goes up significantly. With high cpu usage it is not that stable.

update2: No WLC is not strictly necessary. I do not even have one at work, but I would like to because it just makes things easier. To test if your AP is causing the trouble get a Cisco (standalone) Aironet AP (just one) and test it with the same setup to see if it solves your problem. I am sure you can get a test drive from a decent vendor.


I think may be a problem with MacOSX as I have a similar issue but it's not using radius or Linksys gear.

Have you got a another OS to test it with? see if it does it with an iphone or windows pc.
