我正在尝试将运行在 Windows 7 上的本地主机 apache2.2 设置为 Flash 流媒体服务器。到目前为止,我发现我需要安装 mod_flv,这意味着我需要 apxs。
我从以下网址找到了适用于 win32 的 apxs在 Windows 上构建 Apache 模块,但当我尝试运行配置工具它在不存在的 /lib 文件夹而不是 /bin 中查找 libhttpd.dll
在 util.pl 第 27 行第 2 行,C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2/lib 下未找到 libhttpd 库。
我是否需要针对 win64 做一些不同的事情,或者我可以对 util.pl 文件进行一些更改(如下)
use File::Spec::Functions;
sub usage {
my $script = shift;
print <<"END";
Usage: perl $script [--with-apache2=C:\Path\to\Apache2]
perl $script [--with-apache-prog=httpd.exe]
perl $script --help
--with-apache2=C:\Path\to\Apache2 : specify the top-level Apache2 directory
--with-apache-prog=Apache.exe : specify the Apache2 program name
--help : print this help message
With no options specified, an attempt will be made to find a suitable
Apache2 directory with a program name of "Apache.exe".
sub check_httpd {
my ($apache, $progname) = @_;
die qq{No libhttpd library found under $apache/lib}
unless -e qq{$apache/lib/libhttpd.lib};
die qq{No httpd header found under $apache/include}
unless -e qq{$apache/include/httpd.h};
my $vers = qx{"$apache/bin/$progname" -v};
die qq{"$apache" does not appear to be version 2}
unless $vers =~ m!Apache/2!;
return 1;
sub check_apr {
(my $prefix) = @_;
my ($dir);
my $lib = catdir $prefix, 'lib';
opendir($dir, $lib) or die qq{Cannot opendir $lib: $!};
my @libs = grep /^libapr\b\S+lib$/, readdir $dir;
closedir $dir;
die qq{Unable to find apr lib beneath $lib} unless (scalar @libs > 0);
die qq{No apr.h header found under $prefix/include}
unless -e qq{$prefix/include/apr.h};
my $bin = catdir $prefix, 'bin';
opendir($dir, $bin) or die qq{Cannot opendir $bin: $!};
my @bins = grep /^libapr\b\S+dll$/, readdir $dir;
closedir $dir;
die qq{Unable to find apr dll beneath $bin} unless (scalar @bins > 0);
return 1;
sub check_apu {
(my $prefix) = @_;
my ($dir);
my $lib = catdir $prefix, 'lib';
opendir($dir, $lib) or die qq{Cannot opendir $lib: $!};
my @libs = grep /^libaprutil\b\S+lib$/, readdir $dir;
closedir $dir;
die qq{Unable to find aprutil lib beneath $lib} unless (scalar @libs > 0);
die qq{No apu.h header found under $prefix/include}
unless -e qq{$prefix/include/apu.h};
my $bin = catdir $prefix, 'bin';
opendir($dir, $bin) or die qq{Cannot opendir $bin: $!};
my @bins = grep /^libaprutil\b\S+dll$/, readdir $dir;
closedir $dir;
die qq{Unable to find aprutil dll beneath $bin} unless (scalar @bins > 0);
return 1;