我想更新我的 Glassfish 服务器从 2.1 到 3.1.1Linux机器。我下载了 .ZIP 包。
但是在卸载 Glassfish v2.1 时,我没有在“bin”目录中找到 uninstall.sh 文件。
- 我删除了 glassfish 文件夹 (rm -rf ...)
- 最后删除文件后,它通知我无法删除 Metro 使用的两个文件。我不记得那些文件名了,但我手动删除了那个文件夹。
- 我犯了一个错误,首先没有卸载 Metro。
- 之后我彻底卸载了 metro。但这似乎毫无意义(它成功卸载了:P)
- 我传输了 Glassfish 3.1.1 ZIP 文件并解压并配置了它。
- I cannot deploy any of my WAR file. Its giving errors saying " Error creating bean,Instantiation of bean failed etc etc." (However the WAR file is getting deployed successfully in other Linux Machine)
- When I try installing Metro v2.1 separately, it does not show the admin console or it timesout while starting the domain.
- The Log File of the Domain says it has started the domain successfully and the process is also created. But after running the command (asadmin) it takes like forever and times out without showing Domain Started Successfully,
There is no uninstall.sh in Glassfishv3.1.1 bin directory.
How do I completely uninstall Glassfish v 3.1.1 and Metro 2.1 ??? What are the files which I will have to manually remove?