此输出来自 Debian 计算机上的 TOP 命令
Cpu(s): 0.0%us, 0.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 99.8%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
- us = 用户进程
- sy = 系统进程
- id = 空闲进程
从马嘴里(man top
2c. CPU 状态 CPU 状态显示在摘要区域中。它们始终以百分比形式显示,并且表示从现在到上次刷新之间的时间。
us -- User CPU time
The time the CPU has spent running users' processes that are not niced.
sy -- System CPU time
The time the CPU has spent running the kernel and its processes.
ni -- Nice CPU time
The time the CPU has spent running users' proccess that have been niced.
wa -- iowait
Amount of time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete.
hi -- Hardware IRQ
The amount of time the CPU has been servicing hardware interrupts.
si -- Software Interrupts
The amount of time the CPU has been servicing software interrupts.
st -- Steal Time
The amount of CPU 'stolen' from this virtual machine by the hypervisor for other tasks (such as running another virtual machine).