snmptrapd traphandle 到 php 脚本

snmptrapd traphandle 到 php 脚本

我必须在 php 脚本中接收 snmptraps,因此我所做的是:


traphandle /usr/home/user/trap/l.php

php 目录

$flow = fopen("php://stderr","r");
    file_put_contents("out",fread($flow,1024)."\n", FILE_APPEND);

然后我像这样启动 snmptrapd:

snmptrapd -Le -f


snmptrap -v 1 -c public localhost '' localhost 6 1 ''

snmptrapd 给了我这样的输出

2012-01-16 14:38:49 UDP: []:11478->[]:0) TRAP, SNMP v1, community public
        SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.3.1.1 Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 70 days, 1:03:57.00

看起来似乎有效...但问题是php 目录没有执行,或者 stderr 中没有任何内容——我无法意识到。



php://stderr不是可以读取的流。它是STDERRPHP 进程本身的管道,是只写的。

您需要通过 访问数据STDIN。而不是使用php://包装器访问 STDIO 流,因为众所周知,包装器存在缺陷(请参阅手动的) 应使用特殊常量STDOUTSTDERRSTDIN。例如,我可能会像这样编写您的 PHP 脚本:


  // The file we will be writing to. It's best to specify a full path, to avoid
  // any confusion over the current working directory
  $outFile = '/var/myuser/snmp.out';

  // First, we'll open our outfile...
  if (!$ofp = fopen($outFile, 'a')) exit("Oh No! I couldn't open my out file!");

  // ...and write the current timestamp to it, so we are certain the script was
  // invoked. You can remove this if you want, once you are sure it is working
  fwrite($ofp, "Process started at ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n");

  // Next we'll write all the trap data to the file
  // We could use stream_copy_to_stream() for this, but I don't know if it is
  // available on your server so I won't do it here
  while (!feof(STDIN)) {
    fwrite($ofp, fread(STDIN, 1024)."\n");
  fwrite($ofp,"End Data\n");

  // We don't actually need a closing PHP tag and in many cases it is better
  // to omit it, to avoid unexpected whitespace being output.
