我有 2 个节点的 Windows 2008 r2 集群,我将服务故障转移到节点 2,重新启动节点 1,重新启动后节点 1 不可用。网络接口不会启动,两个接口都不可用。
在光纤 san 上的 2 个 vmware esxi 5 上,磁盘是 pRDM。2 个 windows 2008 r2 sp1 完整修补至 2012 年 1 月。该集群已运行 3 个月,多次重启。我有完全相同的集群设置,运行良好。
event id: 1573
Node1 failed to form a cluster. This was because the witness was not accessible. Please ensure that the witness resource is online and available.
eventid: 1069
Cluster resource 'Quorum' in clustered service or application 'Cluster Group' failed.
eventid: 7024
The Network Location Awareness service terminated with service-specific error %%-1073741288.
services unable to start
base filtering engine - Error 5: Access is denied
dhcp client (running static ip address) - Error 5: Access is denied
IKE and AuthIP IPsec keying - Error 1068: the dependency service or group failed to start
network list services - Error 1068: the dependency service or group failed to start
network location awareness - event id 7024 - The Network Location Awareness service terminated with service-specific error %%-1073741288.
解决方案很简单,因为问题出在注册表级别的服务权限上,在 SO 上,而不是在 Vmware 上。
为了解决这个问题,只需在 SO 上运行命令提示符(以管理员身份)并执行以下命令:
net localgroup administrators localservice /add
net localgroup administrators networkservice /add