由于某种原因 :bnext 没有循环 :buffers 显示的所有缓冲区
我打开了 5 个缓冲区,但当我重复使用 :bnext 时,只访问了 3 个缓冲区。
如何循环遍历 vim 中所有打开的缓冲区?
您可能会在以下位置看到记录的这种特殊行为:help :bnext
If you are in a help buffer, this takes you to the next help buffer (if there is one). Similarly, if you are in a normal (non-help) buffer, this takes you to the next normal buffer. This is so that if you have invoked help, it doesn't get in the way when you're browsing code/text buffers.
要将它们包含在导航中,请使用:setlocal buftype=
(cp. :help 'buflisted'