IOS 降级后 Cisco AP 命令消失

IOS 降级后 Cisco AP 命令消失

enter code here降级 Cisco 881w AP(WLAN-AP)后,出现了一些奇怪的情况。

当我使用以下方式连接到 WLAN-AP 接口时:

service-module wlan-ap0 session





奇怪的是,所有配置都已重置(因此 wifi 不再工作),当我输入“?”时,只有这些命令可用:

Exec commands:
  cd               Change current directory
  clear            Reset functions
  clock            Manage the system clock
  crypto           Encryption related commands.
  debug            Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
  delete           Delete a file
  dir              List files on a filesystem
  disable          Turn off privileged commands
  enable           Turn on privileged commands
  exit             Exit from the EXEC
  fsck             Fsck a filesystem
  help             Description of the interactive help system
  led              LED functions
  lock             Lock the terminal
  login            Log in as a particular user
  logout           Exit from the EXEC
  lwapp            lwapp exec commands
  mkdir            Create new directory
  monitor          Monitoring different system events
  more             Display the contents of a file
  name-connection  Name an existing network connection
  no               Disable debugging functions
  ping             Send echo messages
  pwd              Display current working directory
  release          Release a resource
  reload           Halt and perform a cold restart
  rename           Rename a file
  renew            Renew a resource
  rmdir            Remove existing directory
  save             Start to save raise_interrupt_level stack
  send             Send a message to other tty lines
  set              Set system parameter (not config)
  show             Show running system information
  systat           Display information about terminal lines
  terminal         Set terminal line parameters
  test             Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces
  traceroute       Trace route to destination
  undebug          Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
  upgrade          Upgrade software
  verify           Verify a file
  where            List active connections

因此没有“copy”或“conf t”命令,也没有“archive”命令来将新的 IOS 推送到其中。

此外,我拥有权限级别 15:

AP588d.09ba.156e#show privilege
Current privilege level is 15

请帮助我恢复 AP 上正常工作的 IOS。


您是否尝试过提升到更高的权限级别。在我看来,重置关闭了您的授权命令,因此您以 priv 1 登录。只需运行enable并使用密码即可。之后,您应该能够使用 config t 和您的服务模块命令。最糟糕的情况是,您可能必须在配置模式下对用于访问服务模块的接口进行一些更改。祝你好运!(如果您希望再次在登录时触发授权,请进入配置模式并发出以下两个命令: aaa authorization exec default local aaa authorization console 希望对您有所帮助!)
