_update-rc.d vncserver-x11-serviced 默认值_ 命令 = 如果启动,服务 rc.local 和 mountkernfs 之间存在循环...错误

_update-rc.d vncserver-x11-serviced 默认值_ 命令 = 如果启动,服务 rc.local 和 mountkernfs 之间存在循环...错误

我有最新版本的 Debian 并且已经安装真实VNC在上面。安装后我尝试autorun RealVNC在系统启动时。

所以我发现了这个:vncserver-x11-serviced - VNC® X11 服务模式守护进程


$ update-rc.d vncserver-x11-serviced defaults


update-rc.d:使用基于依赖项的启动排序 insserv:警告:脚本“S99selinux”缺少 LSB 标签并覆盖 insserv:警告:脚本“S97DbSecuritySpt”缺少 LSB 标签并覆盖 insserv:警告:脚本“S77.SSH2”缺少 LSB 标签并覆盖insserv:警告:脚本'S77.SSHH2'缺少LSB标签并覆盖insserv:警告:脚本'DbSecuritySpt'缺少LSB标签并覆盖insserv:警告:脚本'selinux'缺少LSB标签并覆盖insserv:有一个循环服务selinux(如果启动) insserv:服务selinux 和mountnfs(如果启动)之间存在循环 insserv:涉及深度 7 的服务 mountnfs 的循环 insserv:涉及深度 6 的服务网络的循环 insserv:涉及深度 9 的服务控制台屏幕的循环 insserv:正在启动 。 SSH2 依赖于 rc.local,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动.SSH2取决于rc。本地的,因此在系统设施上$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all' 这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all' 这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动 .SSH2 取决于 rc.local,因此取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting .SSHH2 depends on rc.local and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:最大递归深度达到 99 inserv:涉及深度为 14 的服务 Thin 的循环 insserv:如果启动,则在服务 rc.local 处存在循环 inserv:启动 selinux 依赖于 single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施 $all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的!服务:启动selinux 取决于单机,因此也取决于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all' 这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于单一设备,因此也依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all' 这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility $all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:启动selinux 依赖于single,因此依赖于系统设施$all' which can not be true! insserv: Starting DbSecuritySpt depends on single and therefore on system facility$all',这不可能是真的! insserv:达到最大递归深度 99 insserv:涉及深度 3 处的服务 selinux insserv:达到最大递归深度 99 insserv:如果启动,则服务 single 处存在循环 insserv:如果启动,则服务 rc.local 和 mountkernfs 之间存在循环 insserv: :循环涉及深度 1 处的服务 mountkernfs insserv:立即退出而不更改启动顺序! update-rc.d:错误:insserv 拒绝了脚本标头



如果您看到 /etc/init.d/.SSH /etc/sfewfesfs,则似乎您感染了木马 Linux.BackDoor.Gates.5 - 请在此处查看https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23292718/am-i-hacked-unknow-processes-dsfref-gfhddsfew-dsfref-etc-are-starting-automa
