SharePoint 2010 中的 Excel Web 视图损坏

SharePoint 2010 中的 Excel Web 视图损坏

昨晚我修补并重启了我们的 SharePoint 2010 服务器。一切看起来都很好,但今天早上 Excel Web 查看器坏了。当我尝试打开电子表格时,出现一个错误框,提示“无法处理请求。请等待几分钟,然后再次尝试执行此操作。”

Excel 计算服务正在运行,应用程序池正在运行并使用有效的域帐户,我甚至重新安装了 Excel Services 应用程序。



07/06/2012 16:09:44.24  w3wp.exe (0x1F50)                           0x10D8  SharePoint Foundation           Topology                        e5mc    Medium      WcfSendRequest: RemoteAddress: 'http://server:9999/{id}/ExcelService.asmx' Channel: 'Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.CalculationServer.Proxy.IExcelServiceSoap' Action: '' MessageId: 'urn:uuid:{id}'  {id}
07/06/2012 16:09:44.24  w3wp.exe (0x1F50)                           0x10D8  Excel Services Application      Web Front End                   acbd    Critical    Unable to reach Excel Calculation Services http://server:9999/{id}/ExcelService*.asmx. [Session:  User: DOMAIN\user]    {id}
07/06/2012 16:09:44.24  w3wp.exe (0x1F50)                           0x10D8  Excel Services Application      Web Front End                   accf    Medium      ServerSession.ProcessWebException: A Web exception during ExecuteWebMethod has occurred for server: http://server:9999/{id}/ExcelService*.asmx, method: GetHealthScore, ex: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.     at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()     at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout), response: 'System.Net.HttpWebResponse', status ProtocolError, user name: DOMAIN\user.   {id}
07/06/2012 16:09:44.24  w3wp.exe (0x1F50)                           0x10D8  Excel Services Application      Web Front End                   acco    Critical    There was an error in communicating with Excel Calculation Services http://server:9999/{id}/ExcelService*.asmx exception: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. [Session:  User: DOMAIN\user]. {id} 2159   Critical    Event 5231 (Excel Services Application) of severity 'Error' occurred 10 more time(s) and was suppressed in the event log     
07/06/2012 16:09:44.38  w3wp.exe (0x1F50)                           0x1248  SharePoint Server               Unified Logging Service         2159    Critical    Event 5239 (Excel Services Application) of severity 'Error' occurred 10 more time(s) and was suppressed in the event log     
07/06/2012 16:09:46.55  w3wp.exe (0x1D04)                           0x2670  SharePoint Foundation           Topology                



以下是带有解释的文章:与 Excel Services 应用程序通信时出错 - 事件 5231 5239 5240
