如何在 Debian 6 (Squeeze) (PE2950) 上设置 Dell OMSA 工具

如何在 Debian 6 (Squeeze) (PE2950) 上设置 Dell OMSA 工具

我认为我设置不正确,或者缺少库或依赖项。当我登录 OMSA Web 界面时,我看不到任何东西奥姆萨


root@box:~# omreport storage controller
No controllers found


我按照以下方式设置了 OMSA这些指示。

另外,我已经编译了 MegaCLI(因为这是带有 Perc 6/i 控制器的 PowerEdge 2950),并且我已经使用它来更新 RAID 固件,因此它可以工作,但是 Dell 工具却不行。


root@box:~# cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 \n \l

root@box:~# uname -a
Linux box 3.4.9 #1 SMP Wed Aug 22 19:08:46 BST 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux


这是我在 Debian 6 x86_64、Kernel 3.4.9 下所做的,尽管存储控制器没有显示,但 OMSA 仍能正常工作。我现在可以使用 MegaCLI,在我看来,它更好,所以我对此很满意;

# Kernel modules
sudo modprobe ipmi_msghandler
sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf
sudo modprobe ipmi_s
# Sometimes this is `sudo modprobe ipmi_si` on 64bit machines

sudo -i
echo "ipmi_msghandler" >> /etc/modules
echo "ipmi_devintf" >> /etc/modules
echo "ipmi_si" >> /etc/modules

# To use a repo stop here and perform add to /etc/apt/sources.list
# "deb ftp://ftp.sara.nl/pub/sara-omsa dell sara"
# then run;
# wget http://ftp.sara.nl/debian_sara.asc
# sudo apt-key add debian_sara.asc
# sudo apt-get update 
# Now there is no need to download the debian packages below

#Install IPMI tools;
sudo apt-get install openipmi
sudo apt-get install ipmitool

#Install OMSA dependancies:
sudo apt-get install snmp snmpd 
sudo apt-get install -f lib32ncurses5
#sudo apt-get install -f libncurses5 # Not needed on 64 bit machine
sudo apt-get install -f ia32-libs #Only needed for 64bit machines

# If not use the deb packages below but the repo above, at this point you can execute;
# sudo apt-get install dellomsa 

#Grab OMSA and debian package (can be http): ONLY IF NOT USING REPO ABOVE
#wget ftp://ftp.sara.nl/pub/outgoing/dell/binary-i386/dellomsa_5.5.0-5_i386.deb
wget ftp://ftp.sara.nl/pub/outgoing/dell/binary-amd64/dellomsa_5.5.0-5_amd64.deb
# mirrors:
# http://www.jamesbensley.co.cc/uploads/linux/dell/dellomsa_5.5.0-5_i386.deb
# http://www.jamesbensley.co.cc/uploads/linux/dell/dellomsa_5.5.0-5_amd64.deb
dpkg -i dellomsa_5.5.0-5_amd64.deb

#At this point, run the following to update libraries when using either repo or deb pkg
sudo ldconfig

#For 32bit machine with library/dependencies missing;
sudo apt-get install libstdc++5
#May require gcc.3.3 to get the right version: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.3-base

#For 64 bit machine we may need 32bit libstdc++5 from here, forced install on 64 bit machine:
wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-3.3/libstdc++5_3.3.6-20_i386.deb
# http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-3.3/libstdc++5_3.3.6-20_amd64.deb
# Mirrors;
# http://www.jamesbensley.co.cc/uploads/linux/dell/libstdc++5_3.3.6-20_i386.deb
# http://www.jamesbensley.co.cc/uploads/linux/dell/libstdc++5_3.3.6-20_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i libstdc++5_3.3.6-20_i386.deb

#Some links maybe needed: 
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 /lib/libstdc++.so.5
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 /lib32/libstdc++.so.5
#sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 /lib64/libstdc++.so.5 # This should exist on 64-bit machine

#Pop this handy script into /etc/init.d (Thanks to James Kyle) and run it
sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/dell_omsa.sh http://www.jamesbensley.co.cc/uploads/linux/dell/dell_omsa.sh
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/dell_omsa.sh
sudo /etc/init.d/dell_omsa.sh

# Enable SNMP in OMSA
sudo /etc/init.d/dataeng enablesnmp
# Make sure both are running
sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd restart
sudo /etc/init.d/dataeng start
sudo /etc/init.d/dsm_om_connsvc start
sudo /etc/init.d/dsm_om_shrsvc start

# To log into OMSA with a local user accout;
# Download 32bit pam auth modules if on 64 (also, force inet4 sometimes):
wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam-modules_1.1.3-2ubuntu1_i386.deb --inet4-only
# Newer versions:
# http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam-modules_1.1.3-6ubuntu1_amd64.deb
# http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pam/libpam-modules_1.1.3-6ubuntu1_i386.deb
dpkg-deb -x libpam-modules_1.1.3-2ubuntu1_i386.deb ./
cd ./lib/i386-linux-gnu/security
sudo cp pam_unix.so /lib32/security
sudo cp pam_nologin.so /lib32/security
sudo ldconfig 

sudo /etc/init.d/dsm_om_connsvc restart
#OMSA seems to bind to a TCP socket on IPv6, as shown by netstat -nl, check in /opt/dell/srvadmin/iws/config/iws.ini
# tcp6 :::1311
# But this will accept connectios on any local IPV4 address or IPv6 address
#browser: https://[2a01:420:9:0:213:72ff:fe53:2c05]:1311

# MegaRAID/CLI stuff for LSI Controllers in Dells (Perc's like 5/i and 6/i etc)

# might need the following if not installed
sudo apt-get install alien unzip sysfsutils

#Download link
wget http://www.lsi.com/downloads/Public/MegaRAID%20Common%20Files/8.02.16_MegaCLI.zip
# mirror:
# http://www.jamesbensley.co.cc/uploads/linux/dell/8.02.16_MegaCLI.zip
unzip 8.02.16_MegaCLI.zip
unzip MegaCliLin.zip
# Install the bundled libraries;
sudo alien -iv Lib_Utils-1.00-09.noarch.rpm

# Upack;
rpm2cpio MegaCli-8.02.16-1.i386.rpm | cpio -dimv

# copy files to /opt
sudo mv opt/MegaRAID/ /opt/
cd /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/
sudo ./MegaCli -AdpEventLog -GetEvents -aAll

# Example commands:
# http://tools.rapidsoft.de/perc/perc-cheat-sheet.html

# Controller information
MegaCli -AdpAllInfo -aALL 




安装最新版本。在我最近的机器(R620、R720)上可以使用,但我还没有在 3.4 内核上测试过……
