我有点麻烦。我有一台运行 Ubuntu 12.04.1 的无头服务器(Acer EasyStore),在更新后,现在无法启动。它有四个磁盘,其中一个磁盘将操作系统保存在一个分区中,其余磁盘与其他三个磁盘一起构成一个 mdraid 阵列。
WARNING: There appears to be one or more degraded RAID devices **
The system may have suffered a hardware fault, such as a disk drive
failure. The root device may depend on the RAID devices being online. One
or more of the following RAID devices are degraded:
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
unused devices: <none>
You may attempt to start the system anyway, or stop now and attempt
manual recovery operations. To do this automatically in the future,
add "bootdegraded=true" to the kernel boot options.
If you choose to start the degraded RAID, the system may boot normally,
but performance may be degraded, and a further hardware fault could
result in permanent data loss.
If you abort now, you will be provided with a recovery shell.
Do you wish to start the degraded RAID? [y/N]:
我想继续查看发生了什么(以及服务器是否会启动 SSH,以便我可以登录),但这个消息真的很吓人。如果我在没有 RAID 的情况下启动,我会丢失所有数据吗?即使所有四个磁盘都很好,我也不会丢失阵列,但警告的措辞非常强烈。
最后,我决定对提示回答“是”。它让我进入 initramfs shell,我exit
一般来说,回答“否”会更安全,并且不要尝试启动降级的 RAID。在这种情况下,您还会获得一个恢复 shell。
您没有在此处发布 RAID 级别。但我认为您没有使用由 4 个磁盘组成的 RAID-1 阵列之类的阵列。因此,无论如何您都无法从包含 1/4、1/2 或 1/3 部分数据的磁盘构建/恢复阵列。