Windows Server 2008 GPO 未映射驱动器?

Windows Server 2008 GPO 未映射驱动器?


服务器 1:

运行 Samba 的 Linux 服务器,有一个名为“Common”的共享。


Windows Server 2008。我创建了一个将驱动器 R: 映射到 的 GPO \\LINUXSERVER\Common。我将其设置为“重新连接”并选择“创建”选项。然后我运行gpupdate /force。在我注销并重新登录后,客户端计算机没有显示驱动器映射。这是为什么?

根据要求,我尝试发布 GPResult,但由于 30000 个字符的限制,我无法在此框中发布所有内容。但是,我发布了最相关的部分。还有其他方法可以发布整个 GPResult 吗?

 Group Policy Results
 Windows Settings
 Drive Maps
 Drive Map (Drive: S)
 The following settings have applied to this object. Within this category, settings nearest the top of the report are the prevailing settings when resolving conflicts.
 S:Winning GPO  CableTest General Settings

 Result: Failure (Error Code: 0x80070035)
 GeneralAction  Create

 PropertiesLetter   S
 Location   \\\Software
 Reconnect  Enabled
 Label as   Software
 Use first available    Disabled
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 Drive Map (Drive: W)
 The following settings have applied to this object. Within this category, settings nearest the top of the report are the prevailing settings when resolving conflicts.
 W:Winning GPO  Common_Maps

 Result: Failure (Error Code: 0x80070056)
 GeneralAction  Create

 PropertiesLetter   W
 Location   \\LINUXSERVER\Software
 Reconnect  Enabled
 Label as   Software
 Use first available    Disabled
 Connect as %username%
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 Drive Map (Drive: X)
 The following settings have applied to this object. Within this category, settings nearest the top of the report are the prevailing settings when resolving conflicts.
 X:Winning GPO  Common_Maps

 Result: Failure (Error Code: 0x80070056)
 GeneralAction  Create

 PropertiesLetter   X
 Location   \\LINUXSERVER\Common
 Reconnect  Enabled
 Label as   Common
 Use first available    Disabled
 Connect as %username%
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 Drive Map (Drive: R)
 The following settings have applied to this object. Within this category, settings nearest the top of the report are the prevailing settings when resolving conflicts.
 R:Winning GPO  Common_Maps

 Result: Failure (Error Code: 0x80070056)
 GeneralAction  Create

 PropertiesLetter   R
 Location   \\LINUXSERVER\The Employee Handbook
 Reconnect  Enabled
 Label as   Company Policies
 Use first available    Disabled
 Connect as %username%
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GPP 驱动器映射适用于用户对象,不适用于计算机对象。您需要将驱动器映射 GPO 链接到用户对象所在的 OU,或者您需要在链接到计算机对象所在 OU 的 GPO 上配置环回策略处理。
