当我尝试在 OBP 上启动 cdrom 时,我遇到了以下问题。Google 没有告诉我太多信息。您有什么想法吗?
{0} ok boot /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/ide@8/cdrom
Boot device: /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0/ide@8/cdrom File and args:
WARNING: max-cpus property missing from MD platform node, using default NCPU value
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147147-26 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
WARNING: Last shutdown is later than time on time-of-day chip; check date.
panic: failed to stop cpu12
panic: failed to stop cpu13
panic: failed to stop cpu14
panic: failed to stop cpu15
panic: failed to stop cpu20
panic: failed to stop cpu21
panic: failed to stop cpu22
panic: failed to stop cpu23
panic[cpu1]/thread=2a10048fc80: xt_sync: timeout
000002a10048eb40 unix:xt_sync+374 (2a10048ecb8, 1, 2a10048ec98, cce36706ec, 1, 19ddc28)
%l0-3: 0000000000000008 000000cce366d998 000000cd2aed9314 000000cd2aed92ec
%l4-7: 000002a10048eca0 0000000000000020 0000000000000000 00000000010c5c98
000002a10048f0a0 unix:hat_unload_callback+7d4 (7fc00, 2a10048f2b8, 0, 2a10048f3b8, 0, 300056db480)
%l0-3: 000000007b79c000 fffffffffffffff8 0000000000000001 0000000000000001
%l4-7: 0000000000000000 000003000e5ef008 ffffffffffffffff 00000300056db488
000002a10048f500 unix:segkmem_free_vn+58 (1a5a3d8, 7b750000, 4c000, 1a6f230, 30000000000, 26)
%l0-3: 0000000000001c00 0000000000000000 0000060023394f88 0000000001911320
%l4-7: 0000030005153000 00000000010c9800 0000000000000000 0000000001a71400
000002a10048f5b0 unix:free_module_data+29c (60024362f00, 1a7a400, 0, 19dd400, 1a71400, 1a7a400)
%l0-3: 000000000000000a 0000000000000000 0000060023394f88 0000000001911320
%l4-7: 0000030005153000 00000000707f5fc0 0000000000000000 0000000001a71400
000002a10048f660 genunix:mod_unload+9c (60024135a70, 60024135a70, 0, 60024135a70, 0, 0)
%l0-3: 000000000000000a 0000000000000000 0000060023394f88 0000000000008b90
%l4-7: 0000030005153000 00000000000009f8 0000000000000001 0000000001a7a000
000002a10048f710 genunix:mod_hold_installed_mod+b0 (60023394f88, 0, 0, 2a10048f87c, 1, 60024135a70)
%l0-3: 000000000000000a 0000000000000000 0000060023394f88 0000000000008b90
%l4-7: 0000030005153000 00000000000009f8 0000000000000001 0000000001a7a000
000002a10048f7c0 genunix:modrload+100 (1a29dd8, ffffffffffffffff, 0, 13f, 16, 3)
%l0-3: 000000000000000a 0000000000000000 0000060023394f88 0000000000008b90
%l4-7: 0000030005153000 00000000000009f8 000000000000013f 0000000000000001
000002a10048f880 genunix:mod_hold_dev_by_major+bc (0, 1a7b000, 1a29dd8, 1a7d648, 8b90, 1a26070)
%l0-3: 00000300051539f8 000000000000013f 0000000001a19040 0000000000008b90
%l4-7: 0000030005153000 00000000000009f8 000000000000013f 0000000000000001
000002a10048f930 genunix:ddi_hold_installed_driver+4 (13f, 2a10048fc80, 89d, 1, 70178098, 3000532a9e8)
%l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000008b90 0000000001a720e0
%l4-7: 0000000001a7d648 0000000000000101 000003000532ab90 0000030005322000
000002a10048f9e0 genunix:attach_drivers+44 (13f, 160, 0, 1a7d400, 1a72000, 160)
%l0-3: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000008b90 0000000001a720e0
%l4-7: 0000000001a7d648 0000000000000101 000003000532ab90 0000030005322000
syncing file systems... done
skipping system dump - no dump device configured
当您从 OK 提示符尝试“date”时,它会给出什么结果?此外,只要系统关闭,您是否尝试过更换电池以重置 OBP 中的日期?众所周知,如果 OBP 的时间偏差很大,Solaris 就无法正常启动。Oracle 会像往常一样要求您修补系统。有一个漏洞在补丁 ID 1365975.1谈论低端 T 系列服务器上的 xt 同步问题,您可能需要检查一下。
来自 Oracle 网站:
----------- 从 BugTraq 迁移的描述 ------------ 系统因 xt_sync 而崩溃:超时
平台?似乎特定于 sun4v 在 T2000 上看到过示例,现在在 T1000 上又出现了一个新示例
发生了什么变化?问题与补丁 147440-02 或 147440-03 的应用有关
解决方法?可以通过将系统固件更新至 6.4.6 或更高版本来缓解此错误。