谁在事件 4625 期间输入了错误的凭据?

谁在事件 4625 期间输入了错误的凭据?

在如下所示的 4625 Windows 事件(登录失败)期间,谁实际输入了错误的凭据?

a) 是否是计算机上以 paulb 登录的用户错误地输入了管理员用户凭据?

或者 b) 是以管理员用户身份登录的用户错误地输入了 paulb 的凭据?

WinEvtLog: Security: AUDIT_FAILURE(4625): 
Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing: (no user): no domain: 
M-P-BO-SOA1: An account failed to log on. 
    Security ID: S-1-4-11-123456789-123456789-123456789-1234
    Account Name: admin-user
    Account Domain: WINSERVER01
    Logon ID: 0x6772f 
    Logon Type: 2 

Account For Which Logon Failed: 
    Security ID: S-1-0-0 
    Account Name: paulb
    Account Domain: 
    Failure Information: 
    Failure Reason: %%2313 
    Status: 0xc000006d 
    Sub Status: 0xc000006a 
    Process Information: 
    Caller Process ID: 0xfb8 
    Caller Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe 
    Network Information: 
    Workstation Name: WINSERVER01 Source 
    Network Address: - 
    Source Port: - 

Detailed Authentication Information: 
    Logon Process: Advapi Authentication Package: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0 Transited Services: - Package Name (NTLM only): - 
    Key Length: 0 
    This event is generated when a logon request fails. It is generated on the computer where access was attempted.


帐户 admin-user(主体)尝试以 paulb 身份交互登录(登录类型 2),由于密码错误而失败(0xC000006d/0xC000006A)
