我已经使用 Poweshell 创建了一个压缩文件夹来压缩日志文件,文件并没有移动到压缩文件夹中

我已经使用 Poweshell 创建了一个压缩文件夹来压缩日志文件,文件并没有移动到压缩文件夹中

我需要编写一个 powershell 脚本,使用 windows 内置的压缩​​方法压缩所有日志文件。这是我目前所拥有的:

#declare functions here
function new-zipfile {
    param ($zipfile)
    if (! $zipfile.endswith('.zip')) {$zipfile += '.zip'}
    set-content $zipfile ("PK" + [char]5 + [char]6 + ("$([char]0)" * 18))
    (dir $zipfile).IsReadOnly = $false

#define variables here
#some strings and numbers we will need
$thismonthint = get-date -f "MM"
$prevmonthint = (get-date).addmonths(-1).tostring("MM")

$thismonthstr = get-date -f "MMM"
$prevmonthstr = (get-date).addmonths(-1).tostring("MMM")

$thisyearlongint = get-date -f "yyyy"
$thisyearshortint = get-date -f "yy"

$thislogdir = 'C:\rad\'
$thiszipfile = $thislogdir + $prevmonthstr + $thisyearlongint + '.zip'
$zipexists = test-path $thiszipfile

#start program here
#first pass, check for .zip files of previous months. if exists exit. if not exist, create empty .zip file
if (! $zipexists)
    echo 'zip file does not exist, creating zip file'
    new-zipfile $thiszipfile

# move all log files where the month number matches the month number of the .zip file
# Jan = 01, Feb = 02, Mar =03 etc. etc.

foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem $thislogdir)
zipfile = (New-Object -ComObject shell.application).NameSpace($thiszipfile)
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
Move-Item 'c:\rad\*.txt' new-zipfile

