我想用 Vicidial 做作品陈加密狗Asterisk 模块使用华为 USB 调制解调器作为 Asterisk 的 GSM 网关(中继线/载波)。
仅当出现以下情况时才会出现问题维西迪亚尔活动设置为自动拨号模式,呼叫在后台进行,客户应答后,应连接到代理所连接的实时 SIP 电话会议。
问题是,该呼叫的本地信道已接通,接听后立即挂断,未连接到会议。每个呼叫都是这样。除了此代理之外,还连接到客户并可以与其交谈,但 33 秒后,他失去了呼叫控制权,只有客户可以挂断电话。
exten => _915.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _915.,n,Dial(Dongle/g1/${EXTEN:3},20,oTtr)
exten => _915.,n,Hangup
; now you can set here any not required device settings as template
; sure you can overwrite in any [device] section this default values
context=trunkinbound ; context for incoming calls
group=0 ; calling group
rxgain=0 ; increase the incoming volume; may be negative
txgain=0 ; increase the outgoint volume; may be negative
autodeletesms=yes ; auto delete incoming sms
resetdongle=yes ; reset dongle during initialization with ATZ command
u2diag=0 ; set ^U2DIAG parameter on device (0 = disable everything except modem function) ; -1 not use ^U2DIAG command
usecallingpres=yes ; use the caller ID presentation or not
callingpres=allowed_passed_screen ; set caller ID presentation by default use default network settings
disablesms=no ; disable of SMS reading from device when received
; chan_dongle has currently a bug with SMS reception. When a SMS gets in during a
; call chan_dongle might crash. Enable this option to disable sms reception.
; default = no
language=en ; set channel default language
smsaspdu=yes ; if 'yes' send SMS in PDU mode, feature implementation incomplete and we strongly recommend say 'yes'
mindtmfgap=45 ; minimal interval from end of previews DTMF from begining of next in ms
mindtmfduration=80 ; minimal DTMF tone duration in ms
mindtmfinterval=200 ; minimal interval between ends of DTMF of same digits in ms
callwaiting=auto ; if 'yes' allow incoming calls waiting; by default use network settings
; if 'no' waiting calls just ignored
disable=no ; OBSOLETED by initstate: if 'yes' no load this device and just ignore this section
initstate=start ; specified initial state of device, must be one of 'stop' 'start' 'remote'
; 'remove' same as 'disable=yes'
;exten=+1234567890 ; exten for start incoming calls, only in case of Subscriber Number not available!, also set to CALLERID(ndid)
dtmf=relax ; control of incoming DTMF detection, possible values:
; off - off DTMF tones detection, voice data passed to asterisk unaltered
; use this value for gateways or if not use DTMF for AVR or inside dialplan
; inband - do DTMF tones detection
; relax - like inband but with relaxdtmf option
; default is 'relax' by compatibility reason