Nginx 和 php-fpm 又出问题了

Nginx 和 php-fpm 又出问题了


我尝试在 amazon ec2 上部署 wordpress,我在 nginx 和 php-fpm 上遇到了麻烦,提前感谢您的帮助。当 nginx 和 php-fpm 运行时,我收到以下错误。

[error] 16282#0: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, 

但是如果我停止 php-fpm,改用“php-cgi -b 9000”,它就可以正常工作。我还有一个问题是如何调试 nginx 和 php-fpm 上的问题,即使我将日志级别设置为调试或信息,它也会向日志文件中抛出一些错误消息。期待您的回复。非常感谢。



server {
    listen       80;
    root /usr/www/ROOT/wordpress;

    #charset koi8-r;
    #access_log  /var/log/nginx/log/host.access.log  main;

    #location ~ \.(htm|html|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|ico|css|js|txt)$ {
    #    root /usr/www/ROOT/wordpress;
    #    expires 24h;

    location / {
    #    root   /usr/www/ROOT/wordpress;
        index  index.php index.html index.htm;

    #error_page  404              /404.html;

    # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
    error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
    location = /50x.html {
    #    root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

    # proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on
    #location ~ \.php$ {
    #    proxy_pass;

    #location / {
    #   proxy_pass;

    # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
    location ~ \.php$ {
        #root   /usr/www/ROOT/wordpress;
        fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
    fastcgi_index  index.php;
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        #fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/www/ROOT/wordpress$fastcgi_script_name;
    #fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename;
    include        fastcgi_params;

    # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root
    # concurs with nginx's one
    #location ~ /\.ht {
    #    deny  all;

/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf 中的部分配置

; Start a new pool named 'www'.

; The address on which to accept FastCGI requests.
; Valid syntaxes are:
;   ''    - to listen on a TCP socket to a specific address on
;                            a specific port;
;   'port'                 - to listen on a TCP socket to all addresses on a
;                            specific port;
;   '/path/to/unix/socket' - to listen on a unix socket.
; Note: This value is mandatory.
listen =

; Set listen(2) backlog. A value of '-1' means unlimited.
; Default Value: -1
;listen.backlog = -1

; List of ipv4 addresses of FastCGI clients which are allowed to connect.
; Equivalent to the FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS environment variable in the original
; PHP FCGI (5.2.2+). Makes sense only with a tcp listening socket. Each address
; must be separated by a comma. If this value is left blank, connections will be
; accepted from any ip address.
; Default Value: any
listen.allowed_clients =

; Set permissions for unix socket, if one is used. In Linux, read/write
; permissions must be set in order to allow connections from a web server. Many
; BSD-derived systems allow connections regardless of permissions. 
; Default Values: user and group are set as the running user
;                 mode is set to 0660
;listen.owner = nobody
; = nobody
;listen.mode = 0660

; Unix user/group of processes
; Note: The user is mandatory. If the group is not set, the default user's group
;       will be used.
; RPM: apache Choosed to be able to access some dir as httpd
user = apache
; RPM: Keep a group allowed to write in log dir.
group = apache



因此,请include fastcgi_params先行fastcgi_param
