在 Ubuntu Lucid 上正确关闭 MySQL 和 iSCSI

在 Ubuntu Lucid 上正确关闭 MySQL 和 iSCSI

我在 Ubuntu 10.04 服务器上运行 MySQL,MySQL $datadir 位于 iSCSI 卷上。文件系统在 中标记为“_netdev” /etc/fstab。系统关闭时,upstart 向 MySQL 发送 SIGTERM,然后继续关闭网络接口,而无需等待 MySQL 退出或 iSCSI 磁盘卸载或断开连接。当然,这会导致 XFS 无法干净地卸载,并且 MySQL 需要在启动时花几分钟重放 InnoDB 日志。

我不清楚从哪里入手来修复这个问题。从我读到的内容来看,upstart 应该已经足够智能,可以等待 iSCSI 文件系统卸载并断开连接,然后再关闭网络接口,尽管这并没有发生。我不知道如何告诉它还需要等待 MySQL 完全关闭。


Broadcast message from root@mysql-a1
    (unknown) at 11:19 ...

The system is going down for halt NOW!
Power button pressed
 * Stopping Bacula File daemon...                                        [ OK ]
Stopping file integrity checker: samhain.
 * Running nssldap-update-ignoreusers...                                 [ OK ]
 * Stopping multipath daemon multipathd                                  [ OK ]
 * Stopping nagios-nrpe nagios-nrpe                                      [ OK ]
 * Stopping Name Service Cache Daemon nscd                               [ OK ]
 * Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                         [ OK ]
 * Stopping SSH throttling throttle-ssh                                  [ OK ]
 * Stopping puppet agent                                                 [ OK ]
 * Stopping system logging syslog-ng                                     [ OK ]
Stopping statistics collection and monitoring daemon: collectdcollectd[1210]: Exiting normally.
collectd[1210]: collectd: Stopping 15 read threads.
collectdmon[1209]: Info: collectd terminated with exit status 0
collectdmon[1209]: Info: shutting down collectdmon
 * Asking all remaining processes to terminate...                        [ OK ]
 * All processes ended within 1 seconds....                              [ OK ]
 * Deconfiguring network interfaces...                                          [ 2884.248199] end_request: I/O error, dev dm-0, sector 5216
[ 2884.249807] end_request: I/O error, dev dm-0, sector 4192
[ 2884.817855] end_request: I/O error, dev dm-0, sector 0
[ 2884.819347] XFS (dm-0): Device dm-0: metadata write error block 0x0
[ 2884.821281] XFS (dm-0): I/O Error Detected. Shutting down filesystem
[ 2884.823393] XFS (dm-0): Please umount the filesystem and rectify the problem(s)
[ 2885.367423] end_request: I/O error, dev dm-0, sector 0
init: mysql main process (4168) terminated with status 1
                                                                         [ OK ]
 * Deactivating swap...                                                  [ OK ]
 * Unmounting weak filesystems...                                        [ OK ]
 * Unmounting local filesystems...                                       [ OK ]
 * Disconnecting iSCSI targets                                           [ OK ]
 * Stopping iSCSI initiator service                                      [ OK ]
 * Will now halt
[ 2886.802324] Power down.
Connection to bottom.cw closed.
bottom:~ insyte$

这是 fstab 条目:

/dev/mapper/21db3d79bf30ef4846c9ce90069680087 /srv/mysql xfs  _netdev,noatime,nodev,noexec  0 0



  1. 升级到精确版。该问题已修复。
  2. 将停止条件(在 /etc/init/mysql.conf 中)更改为stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[016]
  3. 进入关闭网络接口的任何初始化脚本(我确信它是 sysv),并initctl emit deconfiguring-networking在关闭接口之前添加命令。然后,将 mysql 的停止条件更改为stop on deconfiguring-networking or runlevel [016]

