来自 CSV 的页面文件大小

来自 CSV 的页面文件大小

我有以下脚本,用于检查远程服务器上的页面文件大小,是否可以针对主机名的 CSV 文件运行该脚本?



$PageFile=Get-WmiObject Win32_PageFile -ComputerName $strComputer 
Write-Host "Page File Size in MB: " ($PageFile.Filesize/(1024*1024))

$colItems=Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory -Namespace root\CIMv2 -ComputerName $strComputer 
foreach ($objItem in $colItems) {
    $total=$total+ $objItem.Capacity 

$isPAEEnabled =Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $strComputer


如果您有一个带有“主机名”列的 Csv 文件(如下所示),则可以使用Import-Csv

示例 servers.csv 文件:

123,Server1,"Web Server"
124,Server2,"Web Server"
131,Server3,"App Server"
132,Server4,"App Server"


# Clear the screen

# Import the Hostname values from the CSV file
$ComputerNames = Import-Csv -Path "C:\servers.csv" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Hostname"

# Empty array to hold the results
$ResultSet = @()

# query each computer for their Page file and memory details
foreach($strComputer in $ComputerNames)
    $PageFile=Get-WmiObject Win32_PageFile -ComputerName $strComputer 
    $PFSize = ($PageFile.Filesize/(1024*1024))

    $colItems=Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory -Namespace root\CIMv2 -ComputerName $strComputer 
    foreach ($objItem in $colItems) {
        $total = $total + $objItem.Capacity 

    $isPAEEnabled =Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $strComputer

    # Store all the details in a temporary hashtable
    $PageFileDetails = @{ 
        "ComputerName" = $strComputer
        "PagefileInMB" = $PFSize
        "Memory"       = $total
        "PAEEnabled"   = $isPAEEnabled

    # Create a new object with the properties we defined in the hashtable and add it to the result
    $ResultSet += New-Object psobject -Property $PageFileDetails

# the host application will print out the details for each computer on the screen


现在您可以轻松找到禁用 PAE 的计算机:

$ResultSet | Where-Object {$_.PAEEnabled -eq $False}
