从 LVM 卷组中删除故障驱动器...并从不完整的 LV(缺少 PV)中恢复部分数据

从 LVM 卷组中删除故障驱动器...并从不完整的 LV(缺少 PV)中恢复部分数据


我有一个包含 3 个磁盘的逻辑卷,分别为 1.5TB、2TB 和 3TB。1.5TB 驱动器出现故障。大量 I/O 错误和坏扇区。我启动 pvmove 将故障驱动器上的现有盘区移动到 3TB 驱动器(剩余空间足够)。我移动了 99% 的盘区,但最后一个百分点似乎无法读取。读取失败,pvmove 退出。


root@server:~# pvdisplay 
/dev/sdd: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 0: Input/output error
/dev/sdd: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500301819904: Input/output error
/dev/sdd: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500301901824: Input/output error
/dev/sdd: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 4096: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500300771328: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500300853248: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 0: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 4096: Input/output error
Couldn't find device with uuid hFhfbQ-4cuW-CSlE-qhfO-GNl8-Jvt7-4nZTWK.
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name               /dev/sda # old, working drive
VG Name               lvm_group1
PV Size               1.82 TiB / not usable 1.09 MiB
Allocatable           yes (but full)
PE Size               4.00 MiB
Total PE              476932
Free PE               0
Allocated PE          476932
PV UUID               FEoDYU-Lhjf-FdI1-Ei5p-koue-PIma-TGvs9A

--- Physical volume ---
PV Name               /dev/sdd1  # old failing drive
VG Name               lvm_group1
PV Size               1.36 TiB / not usable 2.40 MiB
Allocatable           NO
PE Size               4.00 MiB
Total PE              357699
Free PE               357600
Allocated PE          99
PV UUID               hFhfbQ-4cuW-CSlE-qhfO-GNl8-Jvt7-4nZTWK

--- Physical volume ---
PV Name               /dev/sdf # new drive
VG Name               lvm_group1
PV Size               2.73 TiB / not usable 4.46 MiB
Allocatable           yes 
PE Size               4.00 MiB
Total PE              715396
Free PE               357746
Allocated PE          357650
PV UUID               qs4BVK-PAPv-I1DG-x5wJ-dRNq-vhBE-wQeJL6

pvmove 的说法如下:

root@server:~# pvmove /dev/sdd1:335950-336500 /dev/sdf --verbose
Finding volume group "lvm_group1"
Archiving volume group "lvm_group1" metadata (seqno 93).
Creating logical volume pvmove0
Moving 50 extents of logical volume lvm_group1/cryptex
Found volume group "lvm_group1"
activation/volume_list configuration setting not defined: Checking only host tags for lvm_group1/cryptex
Updating volume group metadata
Found volume group "lvm_group1"
Found volume group "lvm_group1"
Creating lvm_group1-pvmove0
Loading lvm_group1-pvmove0 table (253:2)
Loading lvm_group1-cryptex table (253:0)
Suspending lvm_group1-cryptex (253:0) with device flush
Suspending lvm_group1-pvmove0 (253:2) with device flush
Found volume group "lvm_group1"
activation/volume_list configuration setting not defined: Checking only host tags for lvm_group1/pvmove0
Resuming lvm_group1-pvmove0 (253:2)
Found volume group "lvm_group1"
Loading lvm_group1-pvmove0 table (253:2)
Suppressed lvm_group1-pvmove0 identical table reload.
Resuming lvm_group1-cryptex (253:0)
Creating volume group backup "/etc/lvm/backup/lvm_group1" (seqno 94).
Checking progress before waiting every 15 seconds
/dev/sdd1: Moved: 4.0%
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 0: Input/output error
No physical volume label read from /dev/sdd1
Physical volume /dev/sdd1 not found
ABORTING: Can't reread PV /dev/sdd1
ABORTING: Can't reread VG for /dev/sdd1

故障驱动器上只剩下 99 个区。我可以接受丢失这些数据 - 我只想拔出这个驱动器并将其扔掉,而不会丢失其他驱动器上的数据。

因此我尝试了 pvremove:

root@server:~# pvremove /dev/sdd1
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500300771328: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500300853248: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 0: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 4096: Input/output error
No physical volume label read from /dev/sdd1
Physical Volume /dev/sdd1 not found

然后是 vgreduce:

root@server:~# vgreduce lvm_group1  --removemissing
/dev/sdd: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 0: Input/output error
/dev/sdd: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500301819904: Input/output error
/dev/sdd: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500301901824: Input/output error
/dev/sdd: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 4096: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500300771328: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 1500300853248: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 0: Input/output error
/dev/sdd1: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 4096: Input/output error
Couldn't find device with uuid hFhfbQ-4cuW-CSlE-qhfO-GNl8-Jvt7-4nZTWK.
WARNING: Partial LV cryptex needs to be repaired or removed. 
WARNING: Partial LV pvmove0 needs to be repaired or removed. 
There are still partial LVs in VG lvm_group1.
To remove them unconditionally use: vgreduce --removemissing --force.
Proceeding to remove empty missing PVs.

pvdisplay 仍然显示驱动器故障......





  1. 我从服务器上移除了坏掉的硬盘
  2. 我执行了 vgreduce lvm_group1 --removemissing --force
  3. 我从配置中删除了死驱动器
  4. 我在“好”驱动器上添加了另一个条带来代替坏驱动器上无法读取的范围。
  5. 我执行了vgcfgrestore -f edited_config_file.cfg lvm_group1
  6. 重启
  7. 瞧!驱动器可见并且可以安装。

我花了 4 天时间学习 LVM 的来龙去脉来解决这个问题......



如果您可以暂时停止 LVM(并且关闭底层 LUKS 容器(如果使用)),则替代解决方案是使用 GNU 将尽可能多的 PV(或底层 LUKS 容器)复制到好磁盘,ddrescue并在重新启动 LVM 之前删除旧磁盘。

虽然我喜欢 Sniku 的 LVM 解决方案,但ddrescue它可能比能够恢复更多的数据pvmove

(停止 LVM 的原因是 LVM 具有多路径支持,并且一旦 LVM 发现具有相同 UUID 的 PV 对,就会在它们之间平衡写入操作。此外,应该停止 LVM 和 LUKS,以确保最近写入的所有数据在底层设备上可见。重新启动系统并且不提供 LUKS 密码是确保这一点的最简单方法。)
